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Turkey Fly challenge. -VOTE for one.

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Really nice ties everybody and thanks for the kind words. I surely had fun and it occupied quite a few hours of my time.  I plan on taking something from each of the ties to make a super soldier turkey fly next year. Happy thanksgiving to all. 

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7 hours ago, Mark Knapp said:






Over the top good Mark. All efforts are super as well. Thanks for your artistic work guys!!

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18 hours ago, Poopdeck said:

Really nice ties everybody and thanks for the kind words. I surely had fun and it occupied quite a few hours of my time.  I plan on taking something from each of the ties to make a super soldier turkey fly next year. Happy thanksgiving to all. 

Um, mine took over sixteen hours for me to make. A year is about enough time for a good one. They are fun though.

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17 hours ago, SalarMan said:

Over the top good Mark. All efforts are super as well. Thanks for your artistic work guys!!


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Couple of fine turkeys there. 

im going to go ahead and call this thing a tie.  
Mark and Poopdeck, I M me your address and I’ll send the prizes. 

Merry Christmas !

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17 hours ago, Trouttramp said:

Couple of fine turkeys there. 

im going to go ahead and call this thing a tie.  
Mark and Poopdeck, I M me your address and I’ll send the prizes. 

Merry Christmas !

Smart man!! I didn't have the balls to even try and these guys all did a great job.

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Thanks for the kind words but any honest evaluation has to give the victory by a landslide to Mark.  His Turkey really looks like a Turkey. Therefore, to the victor goes the prize. Congratulations Mark! I’ll get you in the custom knife challenge. Okay maybe not but it should be equally as fun. Now where did I put that forge? 

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1 hour ago, Poopdeck said:

Thanks for the kind words but any honest evaluation has to give the victory by a landslide to Mark.  His Turkey really looks like a Turkey. Therefore, to the victor goes the prize. Congratulations Mark! I’ll get you in the custom knife challenge. Okay maybe not but it should be equally as fun. Now where did I put that forge? 

You are quite a gentleman Mr. Deck. We'll make it a run next year.

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