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Fly Tying

A reminder to all Swappers

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I've had a few SM's let me know over the past couple months about some swaps they are hosting having to run past the due date because of some lateness of swappers to get the flies to the SM by the due date. So we just need to post this reminder to everyone that joins swaps. If you join a swap then please try to make sure you are able to meet the due date that the SM sets for the flies to be in his hands. A doz flies don't take very long to tie so there really shouldn't be any reason for a SM to have to extend the due date of any swap.


So let's make sure if you join a swap that you are able to keep up your end of the deal and have the flies to the SM by the due date so there's not everyone having to wait for one or two people to get the flies to the SM.




FTF staff.

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I've had a few SM's let me know over the past couple months about some swaps they are hosting having to run past the due date because of some lateness of swappers to get the flies to the SM by the due date. So we just need to post this reminder to everyone that joins swaps. If you join a swap then please try to make sure you are able to meet the due date that the SM sets for the flies to be in his hands. A doz flies don't take very long to tie so there really shouldn't be any reason for a SM to have to extend the due date of any swap.


So let's make sure if you join a swap that you are able to keep up your end of the deal and have the flies to the SM by the due date so there's not everyone having to wait for one or two people to get the flies to the SM.




FTF staff.



It would also be nice if participants could let the SM know that the flies have arrived safely after he/she goes to the trouble of mailing them. :blink:

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Im glad this went up. I was thinking over the weekend (look out :lol: ) And I could not understand for the life of me how its possible for a dozen flies to take so long to tie. :dunno:

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i wonder myself how guys cant get things done on time.. a week window is more than enough time to get it done...

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Im glad this went up. I was thinking over the weekend (look out :lol: ) And I could not understand for the life of me how its possible for a dozen flies to take so long to tie. :dunno:


Very easy if those dozen flies are a dozen poppers. It also depends on work. My work is very demanding but I also let someone know when I am running late. Sometimes it cant be helped. Sometimes though people join and dont say a word about anything which can be frustrating. However, I like to remind everyone that for most of us this is a hobby and at times a hobby has to take a back seat to life. Not trying to pick a fight with anyone just my two cents as I have been guilty of being late here recently.

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No doubt life and work can get in the way. When I see a heavy patch coming at work, I don't join swaps. I ship internationally (Canada) and that can cause delays, so I try to account for that as well. All that said, a tyer who is late on 3, 4 or more swaps quickly loses cred and I don't don't want to have to be in swaps with people like that. I am not saying I haven't been guilty of delaying a swap or 2, but I make every effort to do this. This part of our obsession isn't entirely a "hobby", it's also a responsibility and an obligation each participant has willing taken on and owes to every other participant. It is a part of that life that "happens".

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No doubt life and work can get in the way. When I see a heavy patch coming at work, I don't join swaps. I ship internationally (Canada) and that can cause delays, so I try to account for that as well. All that said, a tyer who is late on 3, 4 or more swaps quickly loses cred and I don't don't want to have to be in swaps with people like that. I am not saying I haven't been guilty of delaying a swap or 2, but I make every effort to do this. This part of our obsession isn't entirely a "hobby", it's also a responsibility and an obligation each participant has willing taken on and owes to every other participant. It is a part of that life that "happens".


the easy answer is... if you are going to join one... plan on making the flies that week u join.. if you cant then dont join... seems simple enough.. i think some of the long windows for due dates actually make it worse.. people think i have lots of time to get it done and then wait till the last second..


maybe all swaps should be 2 or 3 weeks max... just an idea

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I know that I do not want to turn anyone away from joining a swap, but until SMs start reporting no shows, drop outs I have no idea of the track record. Too bad we can't have a way to post our record, i.e. 25 swaps entered, 1 package lost in shipping, 2 late arrivals, etc. Other than that I think I am preaching to the choir.

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No doubt life and work can get in the way. When I see a heavy patch coming at work, I don't join swaps. I ship internationally (Canada) and that can cause delays, so I try to account for that as well. All that said, a tyer who is late on 3, 4 or more swaps quickly loses cred and I don't don't want to have to be in swaps with people like that. I am not saying I haven't been guilty of delaying a swap or 2, but I make every effort to do this. This part of our obsession isn't entirely a "hobby", it's also a responsibility and an obligation each participant has willing taken on and owes to every other participant. It is a part of that life that "happens".


the easy answer is... if you are going to join one... plan on making the flies that week u join.. if you cant then dont join... seems simple enough.. i think some of the long windows for due dates actually make it worse.. people think i have lots of time to get it done and then wait till the last second..


maybe all swaps should be 2 or 3 weeks max... just an idea

That's not one of the easiest answers... What if something happens the day after you join, you never know when something will happen. I think that a swap's due date should 2 months at the most. It can't be 2-3 weeks because then some swappers from Canada or Europe it takes 2 weeks from when they sent the flies out.


You have to know your schedule. I did join a few swaps recently which I was 2-3 days late, but I

let everyone know and I let the SM plenty of times... I also apologized plenty times. Just looks at the due date and your schedule then plan if you want to join or not.


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Not directed to anyone in particular just a thought for everyone- There's things that can come up that's for sure, but the simple answer is pretty easy. Don't procrastinate. It's easy to join a swap and think "Well I have 8 weeks there's no hurry". Then next thing you know your down to 1 week and that's when things come up at work, or family obligations arise, or something comes up and then you find yourself unable to complete the flies in that last week. But you had 7 weeks where you could have already done them.


Best thing is to just use your head and don't put them off till the last minute. It just makes life easier on everyone because then the SM isn't worrying that his swap is late and will make him look bad, other swappers that did get their flies done on time aren't getting upset and wondering what the hold up is, and I don't have to track down and PM people to find out what the hold up is.


Swaps are meant to be fun and enjoyable so we just need everyone to help out to keep them that way is all.





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No doubt life and work can get in the way. When I see a heavy patch coming at work, I don't join swaps. I ship internationally (Canada) and that can cause delays, so I try to account for that as well. All that said, a tyer who is late on 3, 4 or more swaps quickly loses cred and I don't don't want to have to be in swaps with people like that. I am not saying I haven't been guilty of delaying a swap or 2, but I make every effort to do this. This part of our obsession isn't entirely a "hobby", it's also a responsibility and an obligation each participant has willing taken on and owes to every other participant. It is a part of that life that "happens".


the easy answer is... if you are going to join one... plan on making the flies that week u join.. if you cant then dont join... seems simple enough.. i think some of the long windows for due dates actually make it worse.. people think i have lots of time to get it done and then wait till the last second..


maybe all swaps should be 2 or 3 weeks max... just an idea



I am not sure that would really work anymore than it is an easy answer. I agree people wait until the last second and probably shouldnt. However to make a blanket statement of if you cant make them the week you join then dont join seems pretty unreasonable at least to me.

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No doubt life and work can get in the way. When I see a heavy patch coming at work, I don't join swaps. I ship internationally (Canada) and that can cause delays, so I try to account for that as well. All that said, a tyer who is late on 3, 4 or more swaps quickly loses cred and I don't don't want to have to be in swaps with people like that. I am not saying I haven't been guilty of delaying a swap or 2, but I make every effort to do this. This part of our obsession isn't entirely a "hobby", it's also a responsibility and an obligation each participant has willing taken on and owes to every other participant. It is a part of that life that "happens".


the easy answer is... if you are going to join one... plan on making the flies that week u join.. if you cant then dont join... seems simple enough.. i think some of the long windows for due dates actually make it worse.. people think i have lots of time to get it done and then wait till the last second..


maybe all swaps should be 2 or 3 weeks max... just an idea


There is no way that the international swappers and your Canadian neighbours will be able to join with a 3 week window, it can take 3 weeks to get a letter from windsor in Canada to central or southern US addresses.

I have hosted several swaps and despite constant contact there are a few people who just do not stick to deadlines. We all understand that there are circumstances that change and people face daily challenges but when you commit you should at least have the intention of completeing them on time, if you run into a problem then communicate with the swapmeister and keep everyone informed. If you are going to drop you should do it before others send flies that are for you, they have spent time and money in keeping their part of the bargain. Sorry for the lengthy reply,



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In most of the swaps that I have been in or have been the meister, the target date is usually made.

If a swapper is going to have a problem meeting the target date, the least I would expect from a swapper would be to communicate at the very earliest time. We understand that things do happen, but at least we aren't left in the dark, and may be forced to hold the swap up for whatever reason.

I didn't have the best experience with my last swap, so , of course , I am very skeptical of hosting any more swaps.

Out of common courtesy for our fellow swappers , we want the swaps to be a great way to display our talents and also see what our fellow tyers are sending our way.


have a good one

pat carroll

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Guest rich mc

having run a few swaps i wonder if having a "in the mail date'and a due date may be another way to approach it. then if they run late they can urgent mail it. rich mc

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