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Microsoft OneNote Fly Recipes

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Has anyone out there put together a One Note fly pattern database? I am trying to learn OneNote to begin a collection of fly recipes.

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Has anyone out there put together a One Note fly pattern database? I am trying to learn OneNote to begin a collection of fly recipes.


With 4,376,731 fly patterns, face it we do not need more!

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Has anyone out there put together a One Note fly pattern database? I am trying to learn OneNote to begin a collection of fly recipes.


I can't see any easy way to send the patterns from here directly to ONE-NOTE via FireFox (my preferred browser) however you can send the web page to ONE-NOTE directly with Internet Explorer. On the menu bar at the top select 'Tools' then 'Send to One-Note'. This sends the entire page, photos and all, however it also includes the menus and miscellaneous links so if you don't mind a little bit of clean-up there is an answer.

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Has anyone out there put together a One Note fly pattern database? I am trying to learn OneNote to begin a collection of fly recipes.


I can't see any easy way to send the patterns from here directly to ONE-NOTE via FireFox (my preferred browser) however you can send the web page to ONE-NOTE directly with Internet Explorer. On the menu bar at the top select 'Tools' then 'Send to One-Note'. This sends the entire page, photos and all, however it also includes the menus and miscellaneous links so if you don't mind a little bit of clean-up there is an answer.


I was talking about a OneNote collection already put together. I have been collecting step by step fly recipes and cataloging them in OneNote. Just looking for a way to speed the process up by using other people's collections. Would be a really neat way to share recipes.

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When I get some time I want to wipe and reload my pc, then install MS Office w/one note in it, I hadn't thought of using one note for fly recipes, but that sure sounds like a good idea!

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