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Fly Tying

What Feathers Do You Need

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I would like to get my hands on some Jungle Cock some day but can't see forking over the bucks for it.

laugh.png Yeah ... no doubt a flight to Africa would set you back a pretty penny or 2.


I've heard, that's how you get some strange diseases, too.


South America is a little closer ??

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Plenty of jungle cock on the internet for affordable prices


Initiate a search


And it is legal in the USA

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Probably wouldn't find any jungle fowl in Africa or South America, more likely to score some in England or India.

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Specifically grey jungle fowl, Gallus sonneratti. several years ago they kinda popular as hobby birds, sold ~$100-150/pair, but I can't find any for sale in current US ads. There is a jungle fowl breeders page on facebook that you could investigate.

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I would like to get my hands on some Jungle Cock some day but can't see forking over the bucks for it. I really don't care for the fake ones (plastic or whatever they are). I will continue to leave it off and wish there was a suitable alternative.


Reading back over my post, I realize that if someone that doesn't tie flies were to read those first two sentences, they would get a whole different meaning.

Let's get our minds out of the gutter. but that is funny

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I like to think of myself, and my humor, as "many layered".

"The Gutter" is but one of those layers. Not, necessarily the bottom layer, either.

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