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Fly Tying


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About FlyFishin'Jam

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/20/1978

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  • Favorite Species
    Smallmouth Bass, Roosterfish, Dorado, Tarpon, Salmon, Steelhead, Trout, Bluefish, Bonefish, Trevally, Barramundi, Tuna, Permit
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  1. Kirk, that Squirrely does not work at all!
  2. I just love this pattern and has worked for me in the GL as a fishing fly, every time i tie it i just have to document the pattern. Some of Glasso's patterns were rather fishy and this could obviously be taken as an aelvin or small baitfish. Tenting the Teal to match markings on both sides...or trying ugh 1 2 3
  3. Looks fishy to me! Only critique is keep going less bulk in head, tie for certain situation, i would fishmthis very easily
  4. I would have copied what your dad got one on with the fly rod, but it is possible they were just not actively feeding and not in the mood? Kinda like these browns...
  5. Also you can use french metal tinsel which believe it or not adds a nice amount of weight to your pattern, like a lagartun flat metallic...assuming you are using a mylar which adds no weight.
  6. Yes veevus is nice! Think i shall make the switch for good. Couple more size 2 fishing flees.
  7. Good question, a pattern i am unfamiliar with so i had to google, but it seems the body hackle is around the length of the gape or less. I think Piker20 could help here, umm are you tying on singles or doubles out of interest?
  8. Yup it is a red heron variation, sparse. The wing is just tented bronze mallard. Might grab a pic of some dee's against a dark background sometime
  9. The only thing with Neer hair is that it is a floating material, no problem if you have dumb bell eyes on your fly but just keep that in mind.
  10. Just mucking around with some new hooks and veevus thread, loosely based on actual patterns. Fishing stuff.
  11. Interesting thread! Got me thinking i should learn a whip finish which i never have but like others my larger patterns usually get head cement, ccg hydro, then nail polish over. The teeny trout ones just a coat of head cement. Still never had an issue but it is interesting, i notice some threads half hitch better than others, the slippery gsp types seem to not hitch as well. I often use half hitches while tying a pattern to reverse the thread e.g tying the far side wing on a dee fly.
  12. Yep what Rocco said, make sure ends are flat, i superglue the eye on, then do 1 coat ccg hydro kind of on and around the eye, zap it, then another coat, zap it, then sally hansen. It seems to keep them on nicely.
  13. Lies! J u said you like Marmite best! We will kick you onto the island with all the sheep!
  14. It is a slippery slope and you will be addicted to it. I first caught steelhead in British Columbia, so just brought those techniques here and it works fine, sometimes better than eggs, sometimes it won't work at all but i enjoy it. You will figure out that these fish will also take traditional patterns, classic atlantic salmon flies, dees, speys with gusto which add another level to the experience - swinging patterns with over 100 years of history attached to them has some feeling or soul attached. I guess the only thing that would beat that is the dry fly. Skamania fish are a hoot, they really do a lot of jumping! We get them north in fall, this spring run is our very own strain of wild 'Ganaraska' which has naturalized here over the 100 year or so history of introduction. The fisheries biologist gave me some info i had no idea about as i thought the fish predominately fed on alewife and other baitfish, but they say in the lake now these fish will move in to prey on gobies which give 1.5 times the nutrition of an alewife plus they do not have to chase down or 'baitball' the alewife. Interesting tho, i just thought the bass were eating them.
  15. We can always count on ChefBen to stumble in through the door at last call slurring something about tweed
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