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About agn54

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  • Birthday 02/20/1977

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    Gainesville, FL

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  1. agn54

    Red Squirrels

    I bet they make great dubbing!
  2. Look up electrical test hook clips. You’ll find the same ones shown above but at a much cheaper price, usually less than a dollar each.
  3. Thanks to St Nick for another great swap and to Flytire for the extra set. Unfortunately I threw out the wrapping paper with the label so I forgot whose I got but they were a fantastic set in a beautiful wooden box.
  4. You ain't kidding. This town has changed immensely since I first moved here 20 years ago, especially these past few years. I live here and don't recognize half of it. Unfortunately, they haven't started stocking Hogtown Creek with trout yet!
  5. I need practice to get the wing just right. Not sure about how much hair to use for the wing. I used muskrat for the dubbing. Is there a favorite dubbing to use, or just any dry fly dubbing? As you can see, my photography skills are even worse than my tying skills
  6. I’ve been using the HMH one for a while and it works great. Certainly cheaper than a specialty vise, but I don’t tie a ton of tubes to warrant that investment even if it did
  7. I hope you’re feeling better, sounds like a nasty virus to go through.
  8. No worries, Nick, I was more concerned the post office routed them somewhere else. Where I live, we’ve had a lot of issues with the post office saying a package was delivered and then it not show up for several days or not at all. I hope things start going better for you
  9. Hey Nick, I checked with the post office and they said it was delivered on Friday. Hopefully it shows up. I just hope they didn’t put it in the wrong box
  10. Mine should have arrived this weekend Let me know if they aren't there today and I'll check try to find the tracking number
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