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Fly Tying


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About RickZieger

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  1. Will have to think about banning, but I assume his wife would like sympathy cards. I will go back in my room now. Rick
  2. We are in a drought so I did not cat very many fish. Algae was heavy in the ponds so lost many fish trying to bring them through that. Many of the ponds were down 3 to 4 feet in depth. Rick
  3. On my canoe the anchors a steel shot in a heavy canvas type bag. Rick
  4. Like me you are concerned about the "here after". An hourly event.
  5. Very nice fly and great explanation. You are more industrious than I am.
  6. You do very nice deer hair work Bruce. Rick
  7. Got a great set of poppers from Bryon Anderson. Thand you very much. Also great thanks to vicrider for doing all the work. Rick
  8. Just for info I have been using the liquid for 3D printing and it cures well. Rick
  9. Bruce, if that is simple I await the complex or hard. You do hair work that I am envious of, my tries look like dog poop. Rick
  10. RickZieger


    Have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. Rick
  11. Got my package today. Thanks vicrider for all your work. Thanks to those who donated the extra Materials and to Norm for the beautiful flies. Rick
  12. Looking good. Happy Belated Birthday. Rick
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