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Fly Tying


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About Heff2

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  1. amazing, when I was a kid my folks got me this Amazon.com: Rocket Fishing Rod - Ready to Fish Kids Fishing Pole - Shoots a Bobber Instead of Casting : Sports & Outdoors but it broke very quickly. I like this better
  2. Tied this in a mixed being before as per the recipe in Hale. Couple little gremlins with the toppings but I’m pretty pleased with it.
  3. Brent also asked me for some Parsons. He had a pattern reference so I was game to try. Might be a touch long but it came out alright. I would like some Amgold Tippet for these full feather wings to fill out the frame better but I might need to breed them myself to pull that off. I dyed a hen feather for a Cock of the Rock sub. Brent also gave me this example of a less popular version of the fly. gave that one a try too but I wish I had tied the tipet in flatter.
  4. Flies named after the technique. Brent Jones at Flyvault.Net asked me to tie these for an episode of Where the River Bends. I’ve enjoyed the show for a long time and I enjoyed helping with the tying. It’s told in a Paul Harvey: Rest of the Story fashion which I enjoy. All of them tied on a sz6 low water salmon single for fishing purposes. I subbed the pig for seal but otherwise tied per the recipes in The Erne, it’s legends and it’s fly fishing.
  5. That’s a beaut and I also agree the fact is all natural makes it even more impressive.
  6. lol, Sounds like champagne problems Gene. I struggle to find hackle small enough most of the time. Maybe you can pick up a few complimentary Indian necks for tailing and larger sizes.
  7. Thx Rick, perhaps im a little hard on myself with these Thx Niveker, i should have remembered to do that, next time I get out I’ll take b4 and after pics. I ended up giving that handful of flies to my buddies on the river. They owe me pics should they catch something with them.
  8. Went after Salmon today and tho they weren’t apt to be Atlantics, I took a few of my classic flies with me. These are all ones in the razor pile but figured the fish wouldn’t know the difference so I brought them out to play. didn’t manage to find any salmon today but I did grab the photo of a fly on the rod that came out pretty nice IMO. Was a great day to get out and saw a few friends out there too which was nicer. Couple fish around but didn’t take the push we hoped for. Lots of fall left to try again.
  9. Thx George, one for show one for go I suppose.
  10. I tied this one in a 2/0 mixed per the recipe and 5/0 married just to see how it looks. Mixed married below is the listing and a layout of the different materials in the wing. This one calls for quite a few different feathers.
  11. Thx Rick, I was trying for a fishy flow to this one.
  12. Butcher 3/0 Hale. Went just a touch long with the wing and I would separate the Parrot and Yellow better so it shows better should I tie it again but I’m pretty happy with it on a whole. See below for the recipe.
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