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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by MuskyFlyGuy

  1. Josh, Check the swap section for the 2016 & 2017 Musky Fly Swaps. Terrific examples you can customize for your colors. Also Google Supercharger fly. There are two parts to the videos. I'm going to tie some before the season starts. Tom
  2. Kevin, I talked to someone from the Three Rivers Muskies Inc Chapter. He said that he thought the Allegheny would be your best bet and wanted me to remind you that the visibility is about two feet. He said that even though some people fish with and catch fish on natural colors, he finds that he does better with bright, contrasting colors. He suggested white, chartreuse, fire tiger, and orange/black. Tom
  3. Josh, It's probably best to ask a couple of questions first: 1. What weight fly rod does he have? 2. Is his line sinking, sink tip, on floating? 3. Does he want single hook or articulated? (how long does he want his flies to be? 6-8" or 11-14") 4. Do you have saddle hackles in the requested colors? 5. How many flies does he want? There are a number of outstanding tyers of muskie flies on this site and they will be willing to direct you to patterns. Tom
  4. A special request from a friend. 8" long and 5/0 hook
  5. Got my last group of bass flies tied. Season starts in about a month. Eastern Fly has inspired me to try some articulateds. Tom
  6. I can finally post the pictures of the flies. My camera took better pictures than the cellphone, but they are too large to post. So, we are stuck with the cellphone pictures. swappers did a great job with their flies. Streamer from Decisions Sonic Flashtail Streamer from Flat Rock Native Jumping Jack Flash from WVUontheFly Buford from Crackleback streamer from Eastern Fly streamer from Muskyflyguy multi-articulated streamer from Andrew.da.cook
  7. Kevin, Last night I was typing on my phone and obviously my thumbs do not have any brains. Congratulations on getting a 10 weight! Hope you will have many wonderful days on the water with it. Things I forgot: 1. The Outbound short comes in various sink rates. Pick the one that best suits your circumstances. Even the the ones with the fastest sink rates can be worked near the surface. 2. On my 12 weight, I have an SA Titan taper. Like Vincente says, it works well. That is the rod I use when i have to get really deep
  8. Beautiful work on the divers Stmflies!
  9. Kevin I will try and explain the process I went through and the decision I made. Got a nine weight nearly 30 years ago and went through a number of lines. All fine, but they took too much work for the results I was getting. About 20 years ago, I got a wonderful 10 weight and still had some of the same disappointments. About 10 years ago I took some casting lessons from an exceptional instructor and talked with a friend from a local fly shop. He suggested the Rio Outbound Short. I mainly fish big streamers and am pushing 70. It took about two casts to get used to it and I can pick up line and shoot it. No more extended false casts and I can fish it all day. If I need a false cast, I take it, but I have extended my distance. I do not rep for them, just really like it. Now I think more about targeting each cast and the retrieve. It has become a more enjoyable experience. With your love of streamers, I can envision a similar experience for you. Tom
  10. Kevin That swapper got a complete set of flies, plus I sent him an extra. Tom
  11. Bimini, Kevin really has an outstanding understanding of articulated flies, he has amazing skills. Tom
  12. Swappers, Our first grandchild is due the last week in March. I set the swap date for the 10th so I could be available to support son, daughter-in-law, wife, and others. I waited until the 17th and mailed the flies. According to USPS, several of you already have the flies. Well, today the last set arrived. My purpose in starting this swap several years ago was to broaden the discussion about muskie flies. I attended the MN Fly Fishing Expo over the weekend and saw a number of brilliant muskie fly tyers. Their work, like yours, is forward thinking and technically outstanding! In my professional life, I tried to be transparent and not throw anyone under the bus, plus also do the right thing. So, here is what I am going to do. Many of you were very generous and sent me an extra fly. I will send him my set tomorrow. I have flies up the whazoo (and you know how painful that is), so I am fine. The five, who did not get this one, will have their fly saved and I will send it to you on the next swap we are in. They will be pristine when you get them. I will not post pictures until after the birth, when things settle down. Have a great fishing season and it has been a pleasure working with you. Tom
  13. Flies were delivered to the Post Office at 12:15 CDT today. Most of you will have them by the middle of next week. If you need the tracking number, I have it. Can anyone explain to me how to get the photos of the flies down to a size that will be postable? I am no Ansel Adams, but I like my camera pictures better than the phone ones. Tom
  14. Mike The first Muskie that follows will get your attention, but the first 40" one you land will change your life.
  15. This swap is now completed. We were short one I have taken pictures, that I will post next week. I will get them in the mail tomorrow. Each swapper will also get one of their flies back. If the swapper's flies show up, I will mail them back to him. On the bright side, the six flies you are getting are a wonderful collection and you can use them on various waters throughout the year. The flies are very creative and tied with exceptional skills. Since Muskies are a low-incidence fish, these flies could last several seasons. I have also included a surprise for each swapper. Thanks for participating an have a great fishing season! Tom
  16. WVUontheFLY, Your flies arrived today and they are beauties! Thanks for the extras! When I receive the final set, I will get them right out. Tom
  17. Mike, Your flies arrived today. You did a wonderful job on them! They will not only push water, but on the strip will present a profile to a following fish and then get creamed. Thanks for the extra!! Waiting on two more people and I can send out the flies. Everyone is going to be very pleased with the flies. You will be able to fish this set throughout the season. I will keep you posted when the remaining flies arrive. Tom
  18. With three young ones, you will have your hands full for a number of years. I am not an expert caster, but can cast the single hook flies all day with a ten weight. The double articulateds I tie hinge on the back cast with the 10 weight. They work better for me on the 12 weight, but still hinge. I have been told that the "Belgian" cast will help, but have yet not been able to figure it out. We are all works in progress, so keep up the great work and post those flies. If you think tying is addictive, wait until you catch your first 40" Muskie on a fly rod. Have a great season! Tom
  19. Thanks for posting the SBS. I can't wait to try it. Tom
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