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Fly Tying


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About MuskyFlyGuy

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    Advanced Member

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  1. Beauty Norm, Great colors and proportions!
  2. Vicrider, You have had many interesting and a wide range of experiences. You also have a great writing style that consistently draws me in to your stories. Please keep writing. Tom
  3. Nice Yuk Bug! I am looking forward to seeing the redhorse
  4. Kelly Congratulations on the upcoming retirement. You have some great activities to keep you going. Hope you post many great fish and flies. You will find the site has terrific people, who are very supportive.
  5. Each year for the past 10+ years I have been making musky lures and give them to our Chapter’s qualifying high school’s event and the High School Musky State Tournament. This year each lure had two 7/0 treble hooks and a 10 and a 9 blade. Just finished building 60 and will give them to the event coordinators.
  6. Bruce, Great flies. Beautiful job of packing and trimming.
  7. Well done Nick! I am having problems in coming up with the words, but this swap exists because of your leadership and vision. Tom
  8. I put the stuff in the mail yesterday. It says that you should get it on Monday.
  9. DFoster Nice job on those fuzzy midges. Looking forward to seeing pictures of the fish you catch on them.
  10. Steve, Beautiful work! I look at them and start to get thoughts.
  11. Welcome to the site. Post them up as you tie them.
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