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Fly Tying


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About dflanagan

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    LM/SM bass
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  1. Glad you’re all ok, Nick. Scary stuff.
  2. That freaked me right out the first time I saw it. Didn’t know anything about it and thought the Martians or Russians were doing a fly-by. Venus and Jupiter look pretty good right now but thanks for the heads up about the conjunction. Can’t wait to take a look at it.
  3. I have a lot of things coming up that are going to keep me busy(kids, work, etc.) Probably best if I sit this one out.
  4. D,

    you are welcome to these wings. if i had posted that they were free i would have been hammered with folks asking for them. let me know if you want them. all i'm asking is shipping cost.



  5. I ordered a mix of turkey feathers on eBay. The seller does have white tail feathers but the catch is they are in Azerbaijan. If you can stand to wait a few weeks for delivery, that’s one way to go. Definitely not extra select quality but they are usable. I haven’t washed and steamed the ones I received yet but I imagine it’ll help quite a bit. Lots of white tail feathers of better quality listed from other sellers on there, too.
  6. Kinda got to a point where I’m trying to decide whether to strip it or save it. There’s still room at the head for the roof and some cheeks but, without a body hackle, I’m not sure it’s worth saving. Kinda leaning toward stripping and using the hook the way it was intended to be used and tie a Dee style.
  7. and doing it poorly. 🤪 Stumbled onto some 2/0 Partridge HE2 hooks at the shop today. Nice looking and sharp. Thought a Logie, from Radencich’s Twenty Salmon Flies, would look good but my goose feathers were too small to make the wing. Thought about a burned goose shoulder feather tied in at the mid-body point. Obviously didn’t go with that. Pheasant rump followed by a light blue saddle hackle throat and some Syd Glasso-inspired wings resulted in this monstrosity. I’m happy with individual elements of the fly but the overall look sucks. The best thing to come out of it is, like Edison, I learned another way how not to make a light bulb.
  8. Thanks, chugbug and niveker. It needs some work but it’s a start. Norm, thanks. Those peacock swords are a pain to work with. You do a damn nice job, though.
  9. ¡Mucho gusto! When you use peacock swords do you use barbs from a matched pair of feathers or just a clump off of one feather?
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