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Fly Tying


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  1. Now that the summer is officially here, let's talk favorite dry flies to tie and fish. In this video, I share my "go to" patterns, with the CDC Flying Ant leading off the list. Did I miss any of your favorites?? Tim Video:
  2. The 2022 Fly Tyers Reunion is around the corner, taking place April 28! It's an honor to tie at this event and I'm excited we're able to return...ON MY BIRTHDAY! Details below. *** *Location - Highlands Sporting Clays Lodge (by 7 Springs) *Time - 6:00 - 9:00 pm *Cost - $5 (raffle at 8:30) *** Tiers attending include: Thomas E. Baltz Tim Cammisa Scott Loughner Braden Miller Shane Hawryliak Shawn Holsinger Bob Mead Joe Jackson Randy Buchanon Greg Heffner Bob Patlen Joe Messinger Jodi Messinger Chuck Furimsky *** Please see the attached press release for details and I hope to see you at the event! Also, this article was recently shared: https://www.dailyamerican.com/story/news/local/2022/04/12/fly-tyers-reunion-returns-to-seven-spring-in-2022/65349033007/
  3. Hi all! Landon Mayer joined me and shared a few tips to stay organized with fly tying. These included using a baseball card binder to store hooks and bead containers for beads (obviously!). A few more were shared in the video, and I'd love to know if you have any additional organization ideas you'd be willing to share from your tying bench. Thanks!
  4. Thanks for the kind words re: the podcast! Tom and I recorded another one this week on fly tying...it was another fun one.
  5. Thanks for all of the great thoughts and suggestions. In all fairness, the class that I teach involves 6 patterns, all with various techniques built in. I also posted this question on some Facebook groups, as it's fun to hear others' thoughts and ideas. The Zebra Midge came up a lot, though in a size #14. As mentioned in my video, the key is finding out the water type most frequently fished, then heading in that direction. Though doesn't a Squirmy Wormy catch fish in most!?! 😉 Tim
  6. As I know many of you have been tying as long (or longer!) than me, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this one: What fly do you recommend for a beginning tier? Over 30 years ago, that fly for me was the Olive Woolly Bugger. There were a few techniques, it looked cool, I had no idea what the fly represented, and most importantly, IT CAUGHT FISH! Fast forward to 2022, and the fly that I share with new tiers is the Mop. Wow, have things changed! To me, getting a new tier to catch a fish on a fly they tied all but seals the deal, then it's off to the races to learn new patterns. Below is a video I put together on this topic, but even without watching, I'd love to hear some patterns you recommend. Tim
  7. So I decided to take a look at fly tying and a side not often taken...things you DON'T need. In my video, I list 5 things I don't need (keyword: Need), including a whip finishing tool. I use it for about 5% of my patterns, instead opting for a hand whip finish with head cement or super glue. After watching the video, I'd love to hear your thoughts, and more importantly, your 5 things that you don't need. Tim
  8. I appreciate the kind words from both of you. Here's another fun fact: I was hoping this video would speak to those who are thinking about getting into fly tying! Instead, it has really resonated with those who tie. I knew that the majority would answer that tying is worth it (if not, why continue?). But I was really curious to see how we valued that "worth" differently...and there have been a few twists in there from this group. Sandan - It's all right if our thoughts don't mirror each other; the beauty of fly tying and fly fishing is that we can each take our own path. I sincerely hoped other valued tying for reasons different than mine (well, to catch a fish on a fly you tied yourself is super cool, especially that first time). Oh, btw I lost a couple two-fly rigs today on steelhead...back to the bench soon! Chugbug27 - The enthusiasm is real and easy to generate when I'm talking about fly fishing. It's a goal to help lessen the learning curve for others when it comes to fly fishing and tying, and my videos have given me that outlet. Glad to know we've been tying for about the same amount of time...I'm up to 32 years! Tim
  9. Appreciate the kind words. This video was a fun one to make, though I've reflected further since it was filmed. I also want to add that nearly everything else fades away when I tie...but I allow for my creativity to kick in. Plus when I've at the vise, I bring myself back to specific situations on the water and work through them with the flies I'm tying. It's tough to imagine fly fishing without this component, thus it has truly strengthened my connection to the outdoors. Tim
  10. I get asked this question occasionally and decided to make a short video with my response. I actually broke it into two questions: 1.Can you save money tying? 2. Is fly tying worth it? I'd love to hear your thoughts and see if they mirror any of mine in the video. Happy Thanksgiving! Tim
  11. Hi all, and for others that were there, we can agree that it was a fun show packed full of all sorts of tiers! Re: attendance, I can tell you that it was about average for the Symposium. Saturday was a packed day, and new this year was a fly tying contest that was won by a tier around 12 years old...doesn't get better than that! There were a number of tiers that came in from other countries, plus we got to see David Klausmeyer (editor of Fly Tyer magazine) present that Fly Tyer of the Year Award to Barry Ord Clarke at the Saturday Banquet. Tim
  12. Really cool seeing that! I have a picture that I took of the brochure from the 1st show ever and will see if I can find it to share.
  13. I'm sure that very few in this forum have even heard of a Squirmy (HA!), but here's a variation I came across and wanted to share. It's a technique I prefer to use in larger sizes and have had good success with it. The technique isn't foolproof, as the dental bands lashed onto the hook will eventually fail, but overall, the pattern has more longevity than the traditional tie...plus allows for a quick change of color when on the water! TC
  14. I've heard of many vendors in attendance, including Keough Hackle, Badger Creek (owned by Mike Hogue), TIght Lines Fly Fishing (shop in NJ), and more.
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