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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by FlatsRoamer

  1. Spring and summer are a great time for baby (and big) tarpon, as well as snook. Just about everything is biting that time. It's hot, the mosquitoes are out in full force, and the snowbirds stay at home. Summer is my favorite time of the year
  2. Nice looking fly man. I was never a fan of polar fibre, always thought it was weird to tie with and fouled a lot when casting. It does have a nice movement in the water but I prefer other materials such as craft fur, rabbit, fox, etc. Wish I could find white pseudo but I believe that's been long gone.
  3. Merry Xmas... and it' still 80 degrees and lovin it!
  4. I tie some permit flies and they usually don't have a keel, but might have to experiment how keeled flies vs non-keeled flies move in the water, and of course whether they get caught up in the grass. Cool article thanks for sharing.
  5. I would ask SilverCreek... he's a genius with that kind of stuff.
  6. Meanwhile back here it's 80 degrees and I'm loving it!
  7. Cool man, I have spent a lot of time recently thinking about guiding part-time when I am of age... how do you like it? On the blog, I went over the SBS's a couple times and think a couple things could be better. One is to add a couple more pictures for the steps, and maybe a "tip" picture. For example, show a picture showing how you tied in the eyes, if you used pliers to bend the butt section of the stalk to make it an easier tie in even better. This was one of the main things I really struggled with when I first started and wished I had known that trick before. Also, I would have added a link to where you did the dubbing loop (but thats just me). In the Riffle has a good one for that, short and to the point. Really not trying to negatively talk about the blog because it is an awesome one, I'll have to subscribe if there's an option for that. Keep up the good work man, I run an Instagram page where I post pics of my flies and a key thing I have picked on is just to keep posting steady, quality content. Flats
  8. Are you a guide? And welcome to the forum
  9. Man that was awesome to read. I myself have done a couple diy bonefish trips, but never with the luck you had or the success. Keep it up!!
  10. Very nicely done! Love that fox tail shrimp might have to tie up a couple of those for my box. And if that's your blog, even cooler. Way to go!
  11. Will do Salty. Old Hat - Yes the tail material is craft fur. This fly pattern is becoming pretty popular down here. It is just composed of a Senyos Laser Dub head with a tail of your choice (usually zonker). I like to vary it up a bit with the tail materials and using flash. Change the color to your liking and you have a deadly fly for anything that will eat a small baitfish.
  12. Thanks Capt and Bimini. Will definitely tie up some with a pink/white color scheme. Also have to add a weed guard since I'll primarily be tossing them into mangroves and the like.
  13. Thanks Mike. It is actually palmer chenille, which I am started to like since it doesn't foul and is pretty easy to work with.
  14. Thanks guys!! Super stoked to get out on it, hopefully this weekend. Thanks for the advice, we have 6 PFD's aboard and they are all Coast Guard approved. Already did the safety course, but going to go out with some of my buddies/guides the first couple times to learn the ropes a bit. I'll post some pictures soon, but now it's back to tying flies!
  15. Thanks guys! Still got to do a couple things before my dad is convinced we're ready... him being ultra safety conscious. Looking forward to really learning a lot about boats and the water more, this being my first boat there is plenty of room for learning. Also, just wanted to thank everyone who helped my flies get better or even bought flies from me, that is the main reason I am lucky enough to own this skiff. Not so much the money, (which I did chip in a bit), but more showing my dad I can be determined and work hard, which I already found out how much work boats are, but that's a story for another day:)
  16. No words needed to express my excitement. Here's a pic
  17. Actually, the rabbit never fouled for me. I also thought it was but it never did.. It is a sweet baitfish fly man, might tie a couple myself. What hook did you use for them?
  18. Good luck on the trip man. If the docks have lights, fish them at night on a moving tide and you'll be sure to get snook, tarpon, and others. If you are looking for a more adventurous day, hit up the tamiami trail. I was actually there this morning, fishing was slow because of the cold front I believe (high 50s-low60s this morning in glades city) but just all the nature more than makes up for it. Even got up close with a biggg but dead gator, vultures hadn't gotten to it yet. Sad to see it dead, but still cool to get close to such a cool animal. Let us know if you have any questions. There's a couple west-coasters on the forum and maybe they'll chime in and help
  19. Didn't land him but jumped my first tarpon on the baitfish fly Caloosa sent me in the snook flies swap!
  20. How would the cold front affect fishing along the western side of the trail around Everglades City? A couple of my buddies in Charleston were in the western side of the Glades last weekend and hammered the snook on fly. Hoping I stick one sooner or later!
  21. I would prefer something that I could cast before hand and that has a warranty. But that is not to say that Steves rods aren't works of art!! Leaning more toward the echo boost saltwater with a Lamson Guru. Anyone got reviews on the Guru in heavy duty salt? An Abel reel would be nice but I have always been shy about used items especially when I can't inspect it before buying it Thanks everyone
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