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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by sandflyx

  1. I melt a hole in the center just large enough to go past the hook point.
  2. here's 2 he other way. that's a 10x 5" long large eye squid hook. the silver head is a bubble head from Orvis back in 1014 for offshore I adapted to the musky flies. they go down quick. and the last fly is a walk the dog style I came up with.
  3. this has the cup facing forward. not much difference in them unless you are fishing in the surface then this one pushes more water.
  4. day after the jam let loose road across the street. there was 3 feet of ice still under where we walked. 4 cabins down in there. elec. company had to get in to fix broken wires for people who live in canyon.
  5. recent thaw and ice jam on pine creek, its a 1/4 mile from my place and ended up 3 feet from house. chickens had ove 3 feet of water in coop
  6. Ok on the disks orange juice carton tops. or any carton that has the pop top, cut the ring off and you have a great disk. I am now painting them too. and you can add a few holes in them so when you pull the fly under you get a slight bubble stream
  7. sandflyx

    Big stuff

    take some heavy thread "E" or "A" and coat with thinned goop (vinyl cement) will make great antennae.
  8. I incorporate the craft fur with my Lasher material to make articulated flies with no wire/braid/mono/etc. swims like a real fish. I dye my own materials (eyelash) for the back half of fly. also a synthetic that I made a dye for.
  9. I do tip dying, 3 color dyes, and am working on some sprayed dye techniques.
  10. clothes dye will wash out. because of the properties of craft fur you are not really dyeing but coloring the outside as dyes will not absorb. I made my own dyes for this purpose (trade secret)
  11. tieing some Iso patterns for this area.
  12. if you are putting to much tension (big hooks) on the jaws you could possibly bend the jaws slightly and then will have problems holding small hooks. to many people put to much tension on hooks.
  13. I like to dye mine to meet my requirements, last pick is the 4" long stuff with flash
  14. They will work for the bass in the finger lakes
  15. I'm a professional tyer and have never had a problem getting his material, no complaints and use a lot of his stuff, all the dubbings congo hair flash materials.
  16. I troll flies all the time for all species. especially on big lakes. its a old way of fly fishing starting in Europe a few hundred years ago. Oh and I use fly rods with different lines for it. make up some leadcore heads to sink to different depths. heavy sink lines work too. I can run down to 30 feet with my setups
  17. Mikechell, they have been trolling flies in new England for trout and salmon for over 200 years, its fly fishing even in the books.
  18. I make my own along with dyeing. synthetic quills
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