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Fly Tying


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  1. I agree. I have had dozens of women approach me at the demos and Fly Fishing Show. What I have run across is daughters tying flies for their Fathers which is really cool! Kimo
  2. Hula Damsel - Jigged, Lt. Olive Kimo
  3. From Umpqua through their Signature Fly Designer Program. Kimo
  4. Hares Mask - Natural Micro Game Changer Kimo
  5. Curious to see how that one floats with the wing case face down. If you are interested in having one of your flies picked up by someone like Umpqua it's good to see what they consider marketable. Jigged flies still seem to be the trend. These flies reflect what they feel can be affordably produced and sold. This is a good article on how flies are selected. https://www.fieldandstream.com/photos/gallery/fishing/bass-fishing/2010/06/how-make-money-inventing-new-fly-patterns-inside-look-um/ There doesn't seem to be anyone near Charlie's level in terms of design and fishability.
  6. Thought you might like to see what Umpqua considers the best of the hundreds of submissions they receive each year. Love the stuff from Charlie and Euro-Nymphs. Kimo
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