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Looking for a custom hook maker!

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Hey guys, I have been looking around on Google trying to find someone to bend me some custom competition hooks, or if anyone knows where I can get the supplies and tools to do so I would appreciate some direction. Thanks fellas!



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Thanks flytire, but I have a specific need not what they have, thank you bruce I will contact this fellow.....

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what is a "competition hook" ?? Looking at the link provided by flytire, it seems to me they are fly hooks with a sticker on the pack that adds $5 to the cost.


There are about a bazillion (maybe more) styles and sizes of hooks available... I'm thinking "custom" hooks especially in small sizes would be stupendously expensive because a manufacturer would have to tool up for a production run and would probably not do it for less than many thousands of one size. Plus the tempering, plating, "chemical sharpening" which is all the rage these days, and all the other stuff.


I'm just thinking out loud. I wonder what kind of fly can't be tied on one of the options in the incredibly vast commercial fly hook market.

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JSzymczyk, i was wondering the same thing today yet i didn't Google it, just because yeah there are a bazillion hooks around on the market these days.


It's like fly line, now they have carp tapers and creek chub tapers (well maybe not that one yet!), but RIO does a competition casting line, never tried it but a good caster can probably cast any old line pretty decently.


Do like seeing a few barbless options coming into the market these days, saves me from pulling the hemostats out.

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J, if there was a manufactured hook out there that would suit my needs, I would have not posted here. Hence my asking for a custom hook maker. I tie commercially and own a fly shop. I am aware of all the hooks that are out there. But you are correct that the competition hooks are outrageously expensive. For fun I fish in a Fly Fishing competition league called Trout Legend that has to do with Team US that does the international comps. Its all to do with the FIPS Mouche rules, and it makes you have some pretty specific needs. So that is why I am hunting for a custom hook guy. I spoke with Ronn Lucas last night, an extremely nice gentleman, but he only does the nice Salmon irons not trout hooks so I am still looking.. Thanks guys

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What are the requirements for the hook?

There are a few lesser known hook makers in eastern Europe that might make something which fits the bill. As you are in the trade chances are you have already seen their stuff, but you never know....

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Si, I have been looking at a lot of hooks lately. Who specifically did you have in mind?

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Si, I have been looking at a lot of hooks lately. Who specifically did you have in mind?


There is Dohiku from Slovakia, Skalka and Knapek from the Czech republic. All make great barbless hooks. Also worth looking at Grip hooks from South Africa.

I am sure you have already looked at these makes though.


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I have looked at Dohiku, Skalka and Knapek but I have not heard of Grip... Thank you sir1

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I have looked at Dohiku, Skalka and Knapek but I have not heard of Grip... Thank you sir1


No problem.

I am bursting with curiosity as to what you are looking for in a hook that is not covered by all the usual (and less usual) suppliers?

This must be the pinnacle of fly tying/fishing when you need to have your own hook designed!

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If you describe what you are looking for, someone might be able to help more.


Or it's a Big Secret. Background checks, clearance procedures, and non-disclosure agreements will add significantly to the time and cost of your hooks. Then classification procedures and secure storage facilities, those are going to be some kick-ass fish hooks. :ph34r:

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Oh sorry guys, its no secret...lol. What I am looking for is something in the style of a Daiichi 1870 Larva hook with the lines opened up a bit more and a curved or beak point, barbless. The straight point on the Daiichi is allowing fish to spit the hook too easy. And I hate having to bend an already tempered hook into new positions for fear of making it weak. I really did not know it would be this hard to find someone to do this, I figured someone would be doing this at a hobbyist level and could point me in the right direction. I believe I could bend the wire easily enough, just the tempering thing would be the only problem.. Anyhow, I appreciate everyones help in this matter.

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