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Fly Tying

Greg Stine

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About Greg Stine

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  • Birthday 12/30/1955

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    Maydelle Texas

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  1. It’s way too much work but it has amazing action in the water.
  2. I have been off line for a while with some personal problems but Im back now. I appreciate all the effort you guys put into the name suggestions. I decided to go with Clacker Packer for my new deer hair packer. Since it was one of my original names I decided to do a drawing with everyone who contributed to this thread.............and the winner is flytire. I will be contacting flytire to get his address and my new packer to him. Thanks again to all who contributed Greg Stine
  3. My version of an articulated shad.
  4. Im getting ready for the World Championship Bass on the Fly tournament on Lake Fork. This is my foam frog tied on bass worm hook.
  5. I started out as a machinist then tool designer then machine designer and finally retired as as a medical device engineer. After years of retirement (besides being a volunteer firefighter and president of a rural water supply corporation) Im embarking on a new phase of my life that I hope will be more fun than work.
  6. Hey Poopdeck What about Packenstines Monster
  7. The final price is TBD. Up until now everything has been prototypes which means Ive spent money that I wont get back. Ive sold a few at $30 just to get a feel for the response and match Pat Cohens Fugly Packer price. The response has been overwhelmingly good. I was at an event where Pat Cohen was the featured tier and he was selling his packer. I didnt want to be a jerk and announce to everyone what I had so I just quietly showed it to the tiers that where tying hair bugs. Everyone who was tying hair bugs at that event bought one from me and they new all about the fugly packer. Full disclosure I sold 6. This event had about 40 tiers. Only 4 were tying hair bugs. The other 2 were sold to people that saw my I interaction with those tiers. I saw him sell 3 although I didnt watch him that close. Bottom line is the price will be set after the first production run when all cost of production can be calculated. Im hoping to keep it at $30 or hopefully less but it might be higher but not over $40.
  8. I kinda like Pac Man Packer. But I would get sued by Atari or Nintendo or whoever owns the name.
  9. I need to come up with a name for the deer hair packer that I will be marketing later this year. Some of you may have seen it already. I posted a preview on this forum a few months back(deer hair packer). I havent been able to come up with a name that I like. If I use the name you come up with I will give you one. So this would be more appropriate for those of you that tie deer hair bugs but this is open to anyone. When a winner is selected I will post the new name and the winners name. In case of duplicates the first one received will be the winner. Im looking for something easy to remember. Dont limit yourself to just one try. Just keep throwing names at me. I have to decide by the end of June or sooner if I get a name that just clicks. Some previous suggestions are: Clacker packer(it can make a clacking noise like a castanet) Perfection packer(sounds a bit arrogant) Master packer(same as above) Senseis hand Gator packer(looks like a gators mouth) The Stine packer Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Greg Stine
  10. I’m considering starting a business related to fly tying and l would like to have a ball park of the potential customers to make a sensible business plan. Thanks again to all who responded. Greg Stine
  11. This is the response from Wapsi. Hi Greg, Thanks for your email. I hesitate to answer your question because there is a lot of debate as to just how many fly fishermen there are and the % of them that tie flies. I've read multiple studies that state there are as few as 1.5 million active fly fishermen to as many as 6.5 million. If I were to guess I'd say the actual number of fly tyers that fish 3 or more times a year is probably somewhere in between those numbers. If I were to guess I'd probably say somewhere in the neighborhood of 3.5 million active fly fishers in the USA. That is only a guess. Organizations such as AAFTA and Southwick Associates would be better resources in regards to determining these numbers -- this is something they keep track of for the fishing industry. As far as the % of fly fishermen that tie flies -- that is even more difficult to pin down. I've read demographic numbers ranging from 18-35% depending upon the study. I'm sorry I can't be of more help. Perhaps some "digging" online will yield some demographic studies on fly fishing and fly tying that would better answer your questions. All the Best, Pat Neuner Pat Neuner Product Development / International Sales Manager Wapsi Fly, Inc. 27 CR 458 Mountain Home, AR 72653 870-425-9500 [email protected]
  12. I just sent [email protected] my question. Ill post their response when and if I get it.
  13. Thanks to all for your input. I have a question for flytire. Does Sasquatch hair make good dubbing?
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