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Fly Tying

Bruce Derington

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About Bruce Derington

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/17/1953

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  • Favorite Species
    Steel head
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  • Location
    Berkley Michigan

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  1. Diver 1/0 Stinger, tail is made up of buck tail, hackle, flash and marabou followed by 3 colors of deer hair ( Stacked). Sili legs and epoxy eyes
  2. Deer hair is fun to work with, thread control is key
  3. The Three Amigos PR320 2/0 hook, constructed of bucktail, flash and marabou , followed by 3 colors of hair. The fly in the center is hot off the press šŸ˜Ž
  4. Diver Variation 2/0 PR320, Tail is Streamer /Deceiver pack followed with bucktail, flash and marabou Skirt/Body is (3) colors ā€œStackedā€deer hair
  5. Nice job on the crow, Iā€™ve never made hooks but looks like youā€™ve got it figured out
  6. More Bugs Size 1 PR320, Calf tail, flash, 3 stacked colors of belly hair, epoxy eyes and Sili legs
  7. Bass Bug 1/0 PR320 hook, and same as b4, 4 colors stacked with 5 mm epoxy eyes and Sili legs
  8. Thanks Rick, as long as yours donā€™t smell like šŸ’©, your good šŸ˜Š
  9. Another Law vise on EBay, crazy price
  10. Simple Popper 2/0 stinger PR320 Tail: Orange calf tail followed by flash and yellow marabou Skirt: Yellow belly hair Body: 5 colors Stacked Eyes: Epoxy Legs: Sili varigated
  11. Hook: BS10 size 1 Tail: calf tail, flash and marabou Skirt: 4 colors (Nature Spirit ) spinning deer hair Body: 4 colors/ Stacked Eyes: Dragon 5 mm Legs: Barred Sili Legs
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