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Fly Tying


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About haziz

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    Western Massachusetts

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  1. Thanks. It actually is a size 16 or 18, and yes the Rainbows and Browns were going after it. The fish were rising vigorously that day (probably to midges) and the river had been recently stocked. P.S. After looking at other "known" flies in my box, it probably is more likely a size 16 or less likely size 14. I continue to struggle with guesstimating my hook and fly sizes, and also desperately need a better system for organizing and arranging my fly boxes.
  2. This fly has been productive for me in the Catskills and on the Swift river in Massachusetts the previous weekend. I do not recall where I got it from and what it is called. Does anybody know what fly is this? Thanks in advance.
  3. The link to the video is now unfortunately defunct, like the company. They seem to have been based in the next town over from me.
  4. I prefer the handling of Uni thread to that of Danville, although I use both. I like the color of Danville Olive Flymaster. What is the color code (or the name they use) for the equivalent color in the Uni thread lineup? Thanks.
  5. Hen and Purple (AKA "Snipe" and Purple).
  6. I do live in Western Mass. I intend to use these mainly on the Farmington in Connecticut, a little south of me, as well as the Swift river in Massachusetts, although the Swift is not famous for it's Hendrickson hatch. Not sure about the Ware river. I will visit the Beaverkill and Willowemoc in the the Catskills in early June for a couple of days, but it maybe too late in the season for Hendricksons. In summary, these are intended mainly for the Farmington river in Connecticut.
  7. With possibly one or two exceptions (e.g. it is legal to hunt Wilson's Snipe in most states), it is illegal to sell or even possess most of the species mentioned in this video in the USA.
  8. If I choose to dub a male Hendrickson dry fly (dark Hendrickson), rather than use a quill body, what do you suggest for dubbing material and particularly which color? Thanks in advance.
  9. I was going to say "wingless Catskill style dry flies", but I figured that by making them wingless we are deviating from the Catskill style, and I realize that some originated elsewhere, e.g. the Adams originated in Michigan. What do you think of "wingless" flies with traditional hackle and tailing, but lacking simulation of Mayfly wings? There is some tradition in this for e.g. Art Flick's Dun and Cream Variants. Basically hackled variants of the Adams, BWO, Hendrickson, March Brown etc. in addition to the Art Flick's Variants (which I would also alter in the sense of a dubbed rather than quill body), but lacking the traditional "wing". Does the trout care about the Mayfly wing? Do they see it clearly eyeing the fly from below? Do they care? Obviously I am aiming at simplifying the tying of the fly from both a difficulty and time spent tying each perspective. Opinions, feedback or banter welcome.
  10. Count me in probably for a wingless Adams variant. I am however a little dismayed that you have not received the nymph submission yet. Serves me right for procrastinating.
  11. I mailed mine today. For anyone who is interested, the recipe for my Caddisfly Larva is: - Wet fly hook (actually Daiichi 1530) - 6/0 thread (Brown Uni) - 6 to 7 turns of 0.15 lead free wire - Australian Possum dubbing in golden olive for the body - Australian Possum dubbing in brown for the head - Chartreuse colored copper wire ("Brassie" size) for the rib It is mostly following a pattern by Tim Flagler. This is a bad picture of a prototype. The final flies had brown instead of black "heads":
  12. I was one of the ones who wanted in during the first swap. Count me in with the Partridge and Orange.
  13. Keep the extra flies, one can never have enough Woolly Buggers. Mine may not be pretty, but I am not sure if the trout care!
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