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Fly Tying


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About Northcaddis

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    Brook trout
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  1. I’m a lefty also ! I tie on the stonfo flytec lever Vise , it’s pretty much a right or left hand Vise , comes with 3 different jaws and a base and a clamp post as well as a parachute post , not bad for around 350 $ ? I can’t remember what I paid.
  2. Hook- mustad 3906b #10 Tail- grizzly and brown hackle fibers body- grey hares ear dubbing Wing- grizzly saddle hackle tips ( I used 2 and married them together) collar- grizzly hackle My photo makes the fly look worse than what it is ….. and I need new head cement it looks like or thin it out . The next fly I would like to see dragon fly gomphus.
  3. I will attempt the Adams wet fly , great fly in any of its forms.
  4. Might not be an alevin. Not really sure what an alevin is. But here is a little minnow.
  5. I’ll try the alevin. I don’t tie many minnow patterns.
  6. Next fly up any kind of flying ant will do 🐜
  7. Crow beetle Hook: size 12 dry fly thread: black body: peacock herl shellback & head: buck tail dyed black I put a white yarn sighter very easy to tie good for a beginner
  8. I’ll do the crow beetle I never heard of it.
  9. Ok I’ll keep an eye out for them thanks for hosting dry flies are always useful no matter what the pattern!
  10. I find it easy for international ( Canada ) to send $ in whatever currency the sm is in ( U.S.A) and either get the change back. But just my opinion and works for me so far as long as the sm is ok with doing it.
  11. The brown mallard kinda blends into the hackle. next fly sparkle pupa if anyone ties thos ?
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