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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by flytire

  1. Order fly rite western olive #29 and then show us a fly tied with it Why is it so hard to believe its not dubbing? Because you havent usedor seen it before?
  2. i guess some didnt see this in the original post In the book there are several patterns that call for 0.10 mylar to make the diving lip. save yourself some time and buy some "fly lips"
  3. must be snowing in the north country edit your post and add the foto
  4. heres some pretty good photos of pike flies https://www.google.com/search?q=pike+flies&hl=en&rlz=1C1ECDA_enUS464US464&prmd=imvns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&ei=tuQGT--xD8Lt0gG4hI3EAg&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&ved=0CEMQ_AUoAQ&biw=1600&bih=775 just click on one that you like and duplicate
  5. i dont use them but i guess theyre ok
  6. i always start tinsel at the eye of the hook and wrap to the bend and then back to the eye for the smoothest tinsel body but the way hans may have done it in the 2 sprites at the top of that link, he would tie in the tinsel behind the eye and wrap the tinsel on a bare shank in touching turns back to the bend. (i attach hackle pliers to the tinsel at this pointand use them to twist the tinsel) then he would twist the tinsel into a rope (corded) and wrap this as a rib to finish the body
  7. charlie craven dave cammiss scott sanchez john barr mike mercer craig mathews sylvester nemes fran betters mike valla al & gretch beatty gary lafontaine dave hughes jack dennis dave brandt hans weilennman
  8. if you say its antron yarn thats been blended then so be it everybody experiences dubbing in different ways. i'm sorry that you havent been able achieved the look of the body shown in that fly. many tyers can. if you watch professional fly tyers applying dubbing, you will notice that they dont just glob on the dubbing and wrap from bend to eye. they wrap around the shank and before the next wrap they are always retightening the dubbing, wrap, retighten etc all the way to where they will stop the body. davie mcphail does it, rene harrop does etc. the result is a tight and very smooth body.
  9. fishing lure jewelry https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1G1TSNACENUS400&q=fishing%20lure%20jewelry&safe=active&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=CdQFT6nFM-HW0QHS8rSsBA&biw=1348&bih=672&sei=ENQFT56mN-X40gGjqtWaAg
  10. so your saying dubbing would not give the same effect? have you used fly rite dubbing in the past? i can assure you the fly rite dubbing will achieve the resulsts shown in the photo fly rite dubbing is a synthetic dubbing and comes in long stranded fibers similar to superfine dubbing its really not a special technique for applying this dubbing. pull it out of the package, align the fiber with the thread and dub as you normally would. its that simple. show us some poly yarn in those colors
  11. no. it comes pre-blended in the colors you see in the fly you posted. just dub it on the thread as you normally would not much else i can tell you so good luck in your search
  12. just put a piece of light blue or green sheet of paper behind your fly and your pictures will improve dramatically and we wont have to try and figure out where the fly is
  13. amazon always has it for $63. shipping is free if you want to wait 5-8 days. if its free its for me!
  14. the original post said he was on the llbean website and saw the fly its blue wing olive dubbing. i have some just like it might be fly-rite or ligas brand at work now so i cant see the package looks like this only in different shades of olive and a little brown mixed in
  15. and i appreciate all of your effort in finding new materails for tyers to tie with. i might break my thread once or twice a years so the breaking strenght has no relevance to me. its always my fault, not the threads.
  16. have you tried the fly tyers dungeon and checked out his prices for materials? might be cheaper than paying full retail some sites have hooks by the 1000's go back to the "pricing flies" thread and send PM's to the commercial tyers asking them what paper work is necessary to buy wholesale.
  17. seems like hmh offered the best advise and will make good if it doesnt work always good to talk to the people who make things
  18. trying to make a piece of plastic act like the real thing must be nearly impossible to duplicate. have you ever used the fake plastic jungle cock for anything? the real thing or nothing!
  19. nymphs pheasant tail or https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1G1TSNACENUS400&q=BWO%20emergers&safe=active&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=1fsCT_i3I6Ps0gH4vdmpAg&biw=1348&bih=672&sei=BfwCT9LiN-rj0QHW_YGOAg#um=1&hl=en&safe=active&rlz=1G1TSNACENUS400&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=BWO+nymphs&oq=BWO+nymphs&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=62515l65358l0l65921l6l6l0l0l0l0l406l1985l2-2.3.1l6l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=f00bfe2326d5c771&biw=1348&bih=672 emergers barrs emerger or https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1G1TSNACENUS400&q=BWO%20emergers&safe=active&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=1fsCT_i3I6Ps0gH4vdmpAg&biw=1348&bih=672&sei=BfwCT9LiN-rj0QHW_YGOAg dry fly olive comparadun or parachute or https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1G1TSNACENUS400&q=BWO%20emergers&safe=active&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=1fsCT_i3I6Ps0gH4vdmpAg&biw=1348&bih=672&sei=BfwCT9LiN-rj0QHW_YGOAg#um=1&hl=en&safe=active&rlz=1G1TSNACENUS400&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=BWO+dry+fly&oq=BWO+dry+fly&aq=f&aqi=g-S2&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=65014l67561l0l68108l7l7l0l3l3l0l468l468l4-1l1l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=f00bfe2326d5c771&biw=1348&bih=672
  20. not for everything but it can help with the most ruley of dubbing materials. if you need a little wax to achieve your goal in dubbing neat, tight and tapered bodies then use it. wax is an option and not a forbidded tying aid and nobody should be telling you not to use it. as you get better at dubbing bodies you can always begin to eliminate the amount of wax until you a finally using no wax, if thats what you want to do. if you watch davie mcphails tying videos he is almost alway waxing his thread and always has a blob of wax attached to his hand. you can always rub your finger tips in the wax and dub that way and good old saliva works too. its always best to know where your fingers have been if you use this method!
  21. again, here is a good read on dubbing techniques. quite lengthy but comprehensive http://ukflydressing.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=sbs&action=display&thread=4046 makes a good bookmark for future reference
  22. i use 8/0 for breathers on buzzers. 2 wraps of thread and slide the bead over the butt ends. wrap the thread over the bead and finish tying the fly. if you look at the chart on the website it gives you each threads breaking strength
  23. so what "denier" would that be? and what in the world is "stomach thread??
  24. i use the sterilite brand that can be purchased from walmart cuz i'm cheap! the one in the link below is only 97 cents and works just fine for storing materials. bigger sizes store bigger materials http://www.sterilite.com/SelectProduct.html?id=442&ProductCategory=179&section=1
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