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Soft Hackle Question

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What bird feathers can you use for soft hackles. I know the obvious one is Hun. partridge. These you can tie 14 and some 16 with. I have been told about California quail that these might be an acceptable skin to have for soft hackles. If so, what sizes can you tie with this? And is there any other bird skin that you would recommend for soft hackles?

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I'm gonna lay this on ya once. And only once. The ONLY thing that will determin what you will learn about soft hackles or anything else in all of fly tying.........is YOUR imagination or complete lack thereof........CASE CLOSED. If a feather is soft enough to wrap, and perform the way you want it to, (wether that be in the water or on the wall), it is useable. PERIOD!!!!!!!! and trust me Bro., that covers one whole hell-0f-a-LOT of feathers. Water fowl, game birds, poultry, you name it. It's ALL usable. Preety much alllllllllll my show flies have collars on them.......pretty much. And i use feathers from so many different birds, it would take me all day to name them all. And i use hooks from size 28 to 10/0...........So, bottom line........start collectin' skins now......ah, make that NOW!!!!!.........and use your imagination. After all,.....you got one. Am i right? mark..... :thumbsup:

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I go along with all of the other posters, here. You can apply feathers from various birds to different applications, and there many great feathers for wingless wets around, today. Almost any game bird is useful for these flies. Partridge is the most publicized, but grouse, pheasant, woodcock, snipe, plover etc, all fill the bill. Starling is great as is crow, however crow is a regulated bird as are many of the game birds. Expense of the feather can come into play. Some of these birds can be quite expensive and this is why most tiers use partridge which can be purchased for about $25.00. Starling is also a favorite because it can be substituted for many of the other birds.



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These guys are right. Every single bird alive has feathers suitable for soft hackles.

One overlooked bird for softhackles is the pheasant.

Check out this article by Jack Gartside for insiration



Up near the neck on any species of pheasant there are tons of smaller feathers suitable for soft hackle flies.

I try to collect every type of skin I can for some unique feathers.


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I agree with the other posters with one caution - not all feathers tie in as well as a hun. I've use several of the quail species including California and Bob White. They are great for smaller flies but they tend to be a bit more fragile and I don't feel that the feathers separate as well - e.g. they tend to want to stay together. In the water they respond just fine. Another good bird to try is Grouse. They have thicker shafts (at least the skin that I have) but will still tie in just fine. If you're new to soft hackle, learn with the hun then add the other birds to your collection.



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Hey Paul.....(Ribs1).....where the heck you been???????..........although........i haven't been able to find time for most of the pages on this site lately and it's likely to stay that way all year. Since i saw you in Michigan, we've been to Oregon for the Northwest Fly Tyers Expo, back to Arkansas for the Sowbug Roundup, then Misa went to New Zealand for the WFFC&CS and i went to Florida for the National Fly Fishing Expo. We're off to Idaho Falls, Idaho for the Eastern Idaho Fly Tying/Fly Fishing Expo (April 18th and 19th), next week. Just thought i'd say hi and let you know that you put it totally right. I can't think of a bird that doesn't have a feather on it that you can't use for soft hackles. I don't even wanna know how many skins i have....... :hyst: ........might scare me. :D I picked up a box of skins at the post office the other day i haven't even opened yet. Got 'em from that cat (here on the site) "Feather"............ $151.00 worth. I'll let you know how good they are (if it were wourff it :P ) asap. And thankx again for that "extra" Ring Neck skin........or was that a Golden? Jeeze, i been so dang busy, (make the one legged guy in the ass kickin' contest, look like he's takin' a nap :hyst: ), i haven't even taken it outta the bag yet. Lemme know if your thinkin' of commin' down. The fishin' has been stupid good. BOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna go get that box outta the truck now. later gator, mark..... B)

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I've been busy tying flies and getting ready for fishing season.

I will probably take you up on the offer and get down there some time. I'm thinking late next fall. Fishing will be too good here pretty soon to leave.

I'll holler at you soon.


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