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One of my heroes Sylvester Nemes Died this week

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Sad day today as I found out Syl Nemes passed away earlier this week or late last week. He pretty much single-handedly brought soft hackle flies back from obscurity. It is amazing how many more soft hackles are offered in the fly shops around West Yellowstone now. 20-25 years ago, you would be lucky to see just a few - some shops carried none.

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I am sorry to hear this news. He is one of my heroes, as well. :(

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Thanks flyfishing99 for letting us know. Syl was a real gentleman and will be missed. Take care & ...


Tight Lines - Gretchen & Al Beatty


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Syl's passing is a very sad day for many of us.


I still remember the morning I read The Soft Hackled Fly. I was spending the week at the KOA in Last Chance, and it was pouring down rain. I sat at the cafe and had breafast and started reading. I couldn't put the book down. When the rain quit about 1:00 and I went back to camp and started tying up a few of the patterns. By that evening, I was trying them out in the Henrys Fork, and the next day I headed to the Firehole with my first Soft Hackles. It was a very good day. I knew nothing about soft hackles before then, but everything I needed to know was right there in that book. I spent the next several years fishing nothing else.


Many years later, I had the chance to meet Syl, a very fine gentleman.


May he fish on with his usual quiet grace.

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This makes the DVD of his and the book Two Centuries of Soft Hackle Flies even that much more special to me.




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Big loss for our sport. Grieves me when we lose a legend. Sylvester was that and more.


I just finished re-reading his Soft Hackled Fly for the second time this week, and then saw the news that he passed away on Feb 3. He will be missed. His enthusiasm for the soft hackle and his descriptions of their simple beauty were fabulous.


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Does anyone know if his obituary has been published and if it's available online?

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Does anyone know if his obituary has been published and if it's available online?




From the Bozeman Chronicle:


Sylvester Nemes


Sylvester Nemes of Bozeman passed away at his home with his wife, Hazel Nemes, at his side at 9 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 3, 2011.

Published in Bozeman Daily Chronicle on February 8, 2011

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Indeed sad. Understand he was in poor health and had not fished in the past few years. Guess his son had some of his fishing gear up for sale a while back. I re-read his telling of how he got started flyfishing every once in a while, sounds like a typical entrance into the sport for a lot of us. I hope (no, Ill bet) he's sitting at a vise streamside right now.

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Does anyone know if his obituary has been published and if it's available online?




From the Bozeman Chronicle:


Sylvester Nemes


Sylvester Nemes of Bozeman passed away at his home with his wife, Hazel Nemes, at his side at 9 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 3, 2011.

Published in Bozeman Daily Chronicle on February 8, 2011


Thanks 99. I will check online and see if his obituary has been published yet. Through his writings he seemed to be a true gentleman, and even though I never met the man, he enriched my life with his books.

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Does anyone know if his obituary has been published and if it's available online?




From the Bozeman Chronicle:


Sylvester Nemes


Sylvester Nemes of Bozeman passed away at his home with his wife, Hazel Nemes, at his side at 9 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 3, 2011.

Published in Bozeman Daily Chronicle on February 8, 2011


Thanks 99. I will check online and see if his obituary has been published yet. Through his writings he seemed to be a true gentleman, and even though I never met the man, he enriched my life with his books.



That is the obituary in the Bozeman Chronicle paper.

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Looks like just a death notice to me. I hope there will be more. Thanks.

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I'm saddened. Syl gave us a lot, in his quiet and always gentlemanly way. My sincere condolences to Hazel.


I was about to write to him about his book, Spinners, which gets at this important stage of mayflies better than anything else yet in print, but which I hadn't really studied until this past winter. Independant from him, I have been tying hackle-winged spinners for some time and wanted to share ideas with him - submit a couple of things I had come up with for his consideration, pick his brain a little in a couple of areas. Now I'm saddened that we won't have that dialogue, at last for a while, but all the more grateful that I learned what I did from him, knew him, tied flies with him, and had the privilege of fishing with him.


He was always very humble, never full of himself, when sharing what he knew - and it was a lot. The books contain part of it.

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