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Fly Tying

October Bluegill Swap Club

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Mine arrived yesterday and didn't get a chance to open them till this morning...It was like Christmas.

Some great looking work my friends, most will even work in my trout box.

Thank You Bream for hosting and even more for allowing me to join in the fun.

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We hit the river yesterday to do some testing....and it was one of those trips that everything went wrong. hydro release was running, water up and alittle cloudy. all the leaves in the water was a PITA. I started with the fly that was on...and no luck. go to change and it gets hooked in my pack and breaks the hook off. tied on Breams Nymph and caught the only fish of the trip. I get it hung in the tree and fight the current to get it back, break the line but manage to grab the limb and about lift my yak out of the water but I get it back. while attempting to tie it back on I drift backwards and about get caught in a strainer...In digging hard to avoid it my paddle explodes in my hand....A nice 3" long deep stratch in the palm of my hand. At that point We called it a day...

get home and unpacking....cant find Breams fly....UGH

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Yetavon, sorry about your less than fun trip! What kind of fish did you catch? I am assuming the fly that you lost was my black bead head white rubber legs fly? We need a better name than that. The book called it a "Bead Head Rubber Legs." I don't really care for that name. If you will remind me, I'll send you another one when we divide up the November flies. But since you caught a fish on it, I'll like to know a little bit more about what you caught. Type of fish? Size? And any other details.


Take care



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Well to be honest a good day at work for me is hard to beat....but I still would rather be fishing.

I caught a small bluegill about 5" on your Black beadhead white rubber legs fly...BBWR. I will be copying that one.

I was fishing it near bottom with sinking tip line.

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FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!

Laid on the ground outside the shop...

Happy dance in progress

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BB, I just got my flies last night! Everyone did a fantastic job! (I had better step it up for November!) I kept showing The Guy..."Look at this one! And this one! Ohhh! This one!" and he was all :huh:


I'm now itching to go get a cheap-o rod and swing some flies...but if I do that, I'll be dipping into my (shallow) materials fund. :rolleyes: Ah, well, I'll stash 'em away for another day.

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I got the flies in today...I must say I am very impressed by everyone's ties...have given me some ideas and things to play around

with that is for sure. I see some very nice pan fish on these flies come spring...thanks everyone, I look forward to the last two


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Thanks for the update, BassMouth! I'm glad your flies made it to the frozen North! It's good to know that they weren't intercepted by some greedy customs official at the border who likes to fish! And I agree that there are some great ties in those 3 sets of flies. You really came through for us by agreeing to go back and tie up a couple of extra sets and I really do appreciate it.


Take care



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