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Fly Tying

November flies from the vise

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yeah I got to tie some more tinsel bodies funny what you lose when you don't use

They sure do look great when you get them right though :)

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Jam it may be boring but it is damn effective I already got my calander marked for winter chrome my wife has been forwarned this year I am making time to fish a priority higher then funerals and weddings so nobody can get married or die this year or else I wont be attending

Hahaha, well i hope you get stuck into a few shiney fish!


Quickly wizzed these up based on a silver brown by a well known author, i just kinda cheaped it out a bit smile.png For summer tho...





Edit...some dude did a few here



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yes m0n that flyDology fly is the money! God damn, if that does not get a take then surely everything in the pool will completely freek out which is just as good!


I was getting irie, reduced irie wet. Really should have plonked in a saddle hackle underwing, mebbe spey hackle? - summery warm colours.





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/me adds a lil hackle and speys it up.





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I have done a little ice fishing, but Florida won't be seeing much ice. This bug should be hatching (at least inside,) soon.





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