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Fly Tying


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About dayhut

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  1. Nice wri Nice take on the ol' Sneaky Duck
  2. For foam poppers, I go simple - Flip Flop Poppers https://palmettoflynfish.blogspot.com/2018/05/flip-flop-popper.html
  3. Chicago? Yeah, frosty. I used to live in MN, so I feel your pain. As for me, I've put up a page on facebook and do more with that than anything. I’ve also stopped tying flies just for the sake of tying. I may pick one up for a new technique, or to modify something that already works. But simply idling time by lashing stuff to hooks is out. I’m more purposeful, I guess you’d say. I’ve come to the inescapable conclusion that I probably only need a half dozen flies in my box, anyway. In a way, I’m glad I’ve come on this revelation early. Combined, I spend less time puttering around on fly sites. At this rate, I may never upgrade my vise! For the purpose of this discussion, here are the top three flies that did the best for me last season: 1. Cockaroo – emerger mimic, peacock/hackle type. http://www.warmwaterflytyer.com/patterns4.asp?page=3 2. Moodah Poodah – foam/deer hair/rubber leg floater http://www.flyfishfood.com/2015/05/the-moodah-poodah.html 3. Gierach-style bugger– a Wooly Bugger variant with dumbbell eyes. Kind of an extended length dragon/damesl nymph Other notables were standard Wooly Buggers, Chernobyl Ants, small parachute-style dries, Briminators
  4. a. I've used tenkara flies for a long time - on standard fly gear. b. I've also completely disregarded all propriety and hung them off of telscoping poles of every size. c. I've noted something - they work. Are they the end all, super duper, best-in-class, only way to catch fish? Well, I suppose if it was all you had, the answer would be yes. I also imagine that if you've sunk the equivalent of a mortgage payment into specialized tenkara gear, you might be inclined to rationalize them that way. But most of the time, I'll refer you to item "c" above. I now return you to your regularly scheduled debate.
  5. Those would be Jim Cosgrove poppers and spiders... Now, wherever did you get so many?? hows it going mcscruff,i mean dayhutJim C., my man! You freeze your keester off yet?
  6. These are the poppers I cut from foam; the ones on the bottom are natural cork. These all have various tail dressings, mostly marabou. This is the bug in question. Instead of tying the legs to the rear, I went towards the front with them. A bit of Ice Dub at the waist is all that I've added. I also had a lot of good result from this sort of 'bottle brush' fly. All size bluegill and bass eagerly took them off the surface. When they finally sink, they make a decent stripped wet nymph and are also likely to be snapped up. They worked for me in brown, orange, and the black you see here. It's just a variation of the classic "skater" fly. 2x shank length hackle Gold tag butt on bend Tie in tag, and hackle, wrap thread to front. Wrap hackle in touching turns to front and tie off. Super simple. A fancier version can be found in the famous trout dry fly, the "Crackleback."
  7. Agreed; but "spider" is essentially a generic term. The British have wet flies called spiders, flies used successfully for centuries - and they have NO LEGS as we are discussing them here. So the term "spider" is somewhat loosely applied. However, most will agree that insects, as a whole, have six legs. And that's what were mimic'ing - insects. So while we're calling them 'spiders', we actually mean to simulate any of a gazillion different insects. The usual thing is to tie a total of four legs (2/side), mostly I think because it's easier...and most people also reckon bluegill to be poor at math. But, I tend to believe that the closer you can get to reality - while remaining practical - the better. So, I scratched my head for a while and got on to a way to add the third pair of legs. If you look at 6x insects you'll also note the legs dont all sprout from a single point on the body, the way we usually tie them. What I did was tie in the legs so one pair swept forward, while the other two swept back. What I ended up with was a foam insect that splays it's six legs like a real bug. Am I falsely believing these are better, because I went to all the trouble to figure them out? Probably. But I can live with that.
  8. Ditz, Yes yes yes. I do better with bluegill on foam spiders/gurglers, as well. I added a third leg, for a total of six, and got even better results. This is unscientific, but it SEEMS like the fish went for them more. I have poppers, and I tote a dozen or so, in orange, black and natural cork. Whether I use them is up for grabs.
  9. Those would be Jim Cosgrove poppers and spiders... Now, wherever did you get so many??
  10. I tie the same thing with a few changes: - Dark eyes: black or brown - I do the twisted rop body like Ditz. - I add hackle legs. Same general thing with good results. Dont wanna fool with all the intermediate wing case business? Just tie a Briminator and trim away the hackles on top.
  11. Offsetting the hook, or bending the point out of line with the shaft, has a name: "Kirbed" and "reversed" Kirbed or Reversed hook points are said to provide a better hook-up rate as the point does not get deflected by the shank. I've seen what you say; it does seem to make for better hook ups. Strictly speaking, a kirbed hook point bends out to the right looking straight-on to the shaft, and the reversed hook point bends out to the left. Hook trivia....
  12. I reckon a big, furry Briminator should do the trick for carp. Size 6-8. Olive and orange brown seem to be the favored colors.
  13. The last one I caught was not exactly an epic battle, either. I hung the beast on 6 lb test, with a 4 lb leader. A Little Cleo spoon was the lure. To say I played him gentle is an understatement. For his part, he got all the line he wanted and allowed me to lead him more than fight him. He was all of 30" and I was able to get the hook in my pliers. A quick twist and I was relieved of having a big, sharp gar in my kayak.
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