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Arkansas Mike

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About Arkansas Mike

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  • Birthday 10/20/1967

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  1. Great looking Rat, Jacques. Mike
  2. I basically use Utyer's method. After washing in Woolite and air drying, I pair the feathers, stick them in the freezer for a couple of weeks, then store them in an airtight ziplock for another week or so with a paradichlorobenzene moth packet. Then, and only then, will I store them with the rest of my materials. I go through and inspect all my material containers once a month and toss in a fresh moth packet. Mike
  3. My very first vise was a Regal. I still use it for reworking and filing hooks after I strip the finish. I switched when the Regal spit out a small hook and chipped the jaw. While it was in getting repaired (they charged me $40, btw), I bought an HMH and haven't looked back. I know a lot of great tiers who use Regals and love them... Mike
  4. A wicked member of this forum once sent me a C&F bobbin to "try out". Couldn't imagine anyone paying $45 for a bobbin. I sent it back after a few days and have since bought 3 of them. Love C&F's. I also keep one of my Tiemco ceramic tube bobbins loaded and within reach. Mike
  5. I placed an order on the 30th and received it today. Even with New Years Weekend and all, that's a week or 5 working days. I've never had a complaint with their service. Unlike other places, I've never had them have to back-order anything either. Mike
  6. I'm on FaceBook, but don't log-on that often. There are some weirdos on there, and they all want to be my friend... Mike
  7. That'a boy, Matt!!! Set 'em straight. Mike
  8. Paul, I love C&F's bobbins (gonna' order another one here in a few weeks). I've wondered about their hackle pliers... I'd like to know what you think after using them. Mike
  9. Hhmmm. Come to think of it... I don't know. I've never even been to Arkansas. And my name is Billy-Bob. Mike
  10. Wonderful, Carl. I love the wood duck overwing. That looks sharp. Still haven't gotten me any of those Sawada Wet hooks. Gotta' do that. Nicely done, Sir. Mike
  11. My admiration and respect to you and to those who helped you out. As Gustav said...that kind of generosity and kindness makes me happy and is refreshing to read about. Mike
  12. Next time you guys see me on Cops, I'll be wearing my super cool new Fly Tying Forum T-Shirt! Mike
  13. I certainly recommend Don Bastian's DVD. And if you have an opportunity to sit down with Mike...do it. Mike
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