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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by mybadhabit

  1. SilverCreek is solidifying what Dr. Harley Reno stated at a DFF meeting, that fish see in UV. He has a PhD in Biology, with a specialty in fish feeding behaviors and has been fishing almost 70 years. One of his go to flies is a UV jighead tied like a bugger using UV polar tinsel. I don't know the technical info, but tend to be drawn towards those that have the science behind what they are saying.
  2. I have to agree with Eastern fly, this is a great thread for anyone. I am still embarassed by some of the flies that come off my vise, but now I can share and laugh with everyone about my mishaps or just not "right" attempts at new or old patterns or techniques. Thanks for the great thread.
  3. Very nice looking quilt, it is a fast fading art form. Both my grandmothers quilted and I still have a couple of quilts from them, but for display purposes only, can't bring myself to use them.
  4. add147, I believe if you've subscribed then you are eligable to use the site to view older issues.
  5. Sad to hear that news. I had the chance on a few occasions to chat with Chris on the phone, and he was extremely helpful and more than happy to help a fellow tyer each time I called. He will be missed by many.
  6. I really love the idea for this swap, but I am way to busy to partake in it right now. Blane
  7. Piker, do you mean the exorbitant prices that they charge to fish certain waterways for salmon?
  8. Very beautiful fly by the way Eide. And if you want more Temple Dog, I have a Great Pyrenees that can donate say a gallon sized zip lock baggie full here in about a month or so.
  9. The reason coyotes are taking over is due to the fact that we decimated the grey wolf population, it's main controller of coyote population. The wolves in Yellowstone are only part of what was there originally, and in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming the "clan", wolf hunters, were killing them on sight until just recently, when the government passed a law protecting them again. I did a thesis on the wolf release and the program in Yellowstone several years ago and read more than enough to tell you that the wolf population in this country is why the coyote have taken over and had a population explosion. Wolves on average kill "large" game animals, not deer fawns. The coyote is a rampant small animal predator, it is doing major damage to the populations of birds and other animals continent wide. There is a theory that wolves have mated with the coyote in northeastern US and parts of Canada because there are populations of coyotes that are much larger than what is common and the wolf population in that area was almost eliminated so cross species breeding occurred and formed a new type of creature. If it were up to me I would say let the wolf expand it's range and possibly let select tags go to regulated hunts. Like NO KILLING of pack leaders and pairs, which can destroy an entire pack in a matter of days due to infighting and disorganization which can cause pups to starve and the pack to dispurse and starve. Compensation is given to ranchers that lose livestock due to predation in the states that have sustained wolf populations. But lone wolf sightings bring panic to areas that don't already have them due to ignorance of the population in general. This is why when a wolf is sighted in say Nebraska, the entire population panics and goes on a "wolf hunt" to eliminate the intruder instead of embracing the fact that they are lucky enough to possibly view this wonderful animal. It is this sort of IGNORANCE that permeates the majority of the population of the USA, and it is some fearmongers that use this ignorance to perpetuate the killing based on myths instead of facts, and that REALLY CHAPS MY ASS.
  10. joseph Russell, your flies got here and they look like fish getters, the ladies will love them. Thank you.
  11. Sadly, I am not going to be able to get flies out. Work has me way to busy to be able to complete the swap club responsibilities and I have to drop out. Sorry guys I really didn't know it was going to be this busy this year, and I just can't find the time to do everything I'd like to be able to do and still keep my company running right.
  12. There are several guys on here that live in the Houston area that are active on the site, know that from hosting swaps.
  13. As a matter of fact, I am, so we should have enough to make some nice boxes for the ladies.
  14. I live in Dallas, and the ladies at the post office had to call a supervisor somewhere to figure out how to use those postal coupons, they aren't really common around here and I can only imagine what they'd do in a small town post office.
  15. atxdiscgolfer, I'm so sorry I haven't responded to you, got your flies a while back I think, but it's hard to say since I don't know your real names and those are the ones on the return address labels, so it's easy to get things wrong.
  16. Grey brook, I think it was yours that ended up in the mail on Wednesday, nice ties by the way. Yes it has been a little slow this year. Sorry for not staying on top of things, it's a little bit busy this time of year for me, in fact it's the best time of year for my business, and I'm slammed. For all tyers here is my address again: Blane Rush 2268 Springhill Dr. Dallas, TX 75228
  17. I just cut the tails of squirrels off and leave them out in the sun for a few days and voila, ready to use. One does not have to take the bone out of a squirrel tail, in fact they work better if you don't take the bone out. The guy that works for me gives me a hard time about stopping to lop off a tail in the street so I just throw them in my truck till I get home then toss the carcass behind my fence and the creek critters make it disappear in less than a day and we both benefit. And don't send any of it across international borders or you could end up in really hot water(personal experience), and you don't want that because border patrol and game wardens can visit you to see your stash of feathers and skins, so don't even keep pretty bird feathers that you find in your yard, songbird feathers are also illegal to posses!!!
  18. Craft shop marabou isn't the best, and out of the bag I bought I could only use a couple of the feathers in it, hence worthless.
  19. Living here in TX I've seen the best and worst of both worlds. I've encountered kids that were so sheltered and smothered by their parents that they had only a partial grasp of what the world was really like. They were from a group called "The Full Quiver", and they really taught more religion than usable functional things that people need out in the real world, such as science and math. The family was very awkward when dealing with the public, especially when it came to topics around most things that weren't explainable by some religious belief or myth. All I could do was wonder what kind of trouble they would be in when they got out from under the reign of their parents. The other end was the kids I've encountered in my life. I went to a private high school and we were one of the top high schools in the state as far as testing and college prep went. Some of the kids that I ran with, not so much. Even then I could tell the difference between myself and the kids that went to the public schools. We had top of the line physics and chemistry experiments, and many of them didn't even get to the level that even taught those subjects. When I went back to college after being gone for 10 years, it was like they just didn't make those classes available any more. I was retaking chemistry with kids that had graduated and had no idea of what it was about, yet I had had these classes as a sophomore and junior in high school. It amazed me that people could get thru school without taking so much as advanced algebra, physics and or chemistry, and graduate. Public schools here in Dallas are pathetic when it comes to what you need to graduate from high school. Math and science skills are so lacking, unless the kid is in a magnet school for such things that what kids need to pass is what I took as a freshman and sophomore. Then they try and send them off to college with such lacking skills that they need one or two extra years just to get caught up with what they should have learned before graduating. The public education system is getting worse as time goes on, instead of increasing the skill level of the graduates, it is lowering the level of education to match the students that are lagging behind so they can graduate them, instead of getting them prepared for college or real life outside of their parents home.
  20. Thanks to vicrider, I got a few sets in, but come on folks the women could use your generosity. My address is Blane Rush 2268 Springhill Dr Dallas, TX 75228
  21. I've been having the same problem for quite a while and I'm with Mickalo, Smalliehunter is slacking on his job of keeping the site up to it's older standards.
  22. Sorry to hear that Mike, you don't know what you're missing.
  23. Guys, mine are going to be late, I have been overly busy the last half of this month and haven't had much time to get to the bench, sorry for being late. Blane
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