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Fly Tying


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About WWKimba

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday December 21

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  • Location
    Camillus, NY - just west of Syracuse

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  1. This is a family member of wwKimba, I am attaching his obituary for anyone that would like to see. https://www.donaldlbarberfuneralhome.com/obituary/Kim-Bowman?utm_source=obit-share&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=relationship-bar&utm_content=copy-link
  2. This is a family member posting on behalf of wwKimba. I regret to inform you that he passed away March 19th, 2024. I will be posting more information when it becomes available. If you have any questions/concerns please email [email protected] We are willing to attempt to finish this swap minus Kim's. We have been able to locate woodenlegs, trouttramp, psychoprince, fruitrolllup, and vicrider.
  3. WWKimba

    Sad news indeed

    This is a family member posting on behalf of wwKimba. I regret to inform you that he passed away March 19th, 2024. I will be posting more information when it becomes available. If you have any questions/concerns please email [email protected]
  4. THIS SWAP IS CLOSED AT 7 SWAPPERS. Kim BTW, psychoprince I was unable to send you a PM. Let me know if you need my mailing address, thanks.
  5. Two sets are now in with Woodenlegs fine ties. Keep them comming! Kim
  6. Check out Green Caddis hooks - https://gcoutfitters.com/collections/greencaddis-fly-tying-hooks. They use the same numbering system as TMC and the hooks run $1.75 for barbed/$2 barbless - all 25 count units. I use them and they are a good quality hook for a great price. Only problem is that they often sell out fairly quickly. Kim
  7. Swap has started off strong with a dozen Quill Buzzers from TroutTramp! Kim
  8. Registration closes on the 28th, I'll have the number of swappers by then and let you each know the official number and my mailing address on the 29th (LEAP YEAR!). We have plenty of room to shoehorn a few more swappers in! Kim
  9. I emptied my mailbox - must be another problem. I'll check it out. Kim
  10. Welcome to the site from a born and bred central NYer. I've been tying flies for over 50 years and hosting fly swaps for the past 14 years. Your handle sounds a bit familiar to me. Check out the swaps on this site if you'd like. There are some mighty fine swap hosts (then there's me). Swaps a re a great way to better your tying skills. I look forward to, seeing your posts here on this site! Kim
  11. I sing Connecticut, her charms Of rivers, orchards, blossoming ridges I sing her gardens, fences, farms, Spiders and midges. Phyllis McGinley Chironomids are a round the year family of flies that fish feed on. Whether fishing moving water or still, there's some chironomids that live in it. What is your favorite pattern? stage of life? color? Tie it up for this swap! Let's see your favorite bloodworm, ice cream cone, smoke jumper, or other larva, pupa, emerger or adult midge pattern. Registration for this swap will close on Wednesday, February 28th or when we hit 12 members. Flies will be due in by Wednesday, March 28th. Remember the 5 basic things for the swap - your flies, each with it's own toe tag, all in your swap box, with a SASE all in your sending envelope. If you are new to tying or new to swaps you are most welcome to join in the fun! My swaps are open to ALL level tyers and I am happy to provide any assistance and answer any questions you might have. My job is to ensure you enjoy your first swap. 1 - psychoprince 2 - Fruitrollup - received 3 - fishingbobnelson 4 - Woodenlegs- received 5 - Trouttramp - received 6 - vicrider 7 - DarrellP 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - HAVE FUN!
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