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Fly Tying


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About ColonelMel

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 01/12/1951

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    Louisville, KY

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  1. Thanks, vicrider, for stepping up and speaking out. Although I haven't been active on this forum for some time, I would hate to see it go. I was just starting out tying when I found it, and I learned so, so much from the flies I got in the swaps. When I meet someone new to fly tying, I always tell them about this website. Although postage may have gone up, it is well worth what one can learn from the swaps.
  2. Got mine flies in today's mail. They all look great. Thanks pickin6 for hosting this one. It was fun to be back.
  3. I haven't participated in a swap in 3 years... I have so many flies I just stopped. But it's time to get back in. I'll do a modified wooly bugger if you'll have me.
  4. Got mine in today's mail. Great bunch of lures... thanks for letting me in!
  5. Sorry to hear about your loss, Adam. Pass mine on to someone who could use it.
  6. Address still the same, Breambuster? Mine are tied.
  7. Got mine today. Great flies, great tiers, great swapmeister! Thanks.
  8. Got mine in today's mail. They look great. Thanks, WMW4.
  9. Took mine to the post office just now. I almost feel guilty, this fly is such a simple tie.... almost. I have caught all kinds of gills, keeper largemouth bass, crappie and even a 20" channel cat on this fly.
  10. I'm in. Great idea for a swap.
  11. Not to brag, but I took the black wooly bugger I tied for this swap up to my neighbor's pond for about 45 minutes. Here's the result. (Note the crappie is 14" if you straighten his tail fin).
  12. I did get confused there for a moment, wmw4. While I had everything spread out on the dining room table and doing the sort, our new kitten jumped up on the table. I could just see flies and envelopes flying everywhere. But seems I just lost count. Sorry.
  13. Kudu, it was in the list I selected, but all I could find towards a pattern was an excerpt from a book that was for sale on a website. The book is Modern Terrestrials: Tying & Fishing the World's Most Effective PatternsBy Rick Takahashi, Jerry Hubka Here's the link to it: https://books.google.com/books?id=3N6UBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA183&lpg=PA183&dq=pattern+j%27s+grinchworm&source=bl&ots=apHBhCG13T&sig=AmCfHp37-3dtkhYMp98lzjKh3zA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi1z_b6ornSAhXl5oMKHTQzB-0Q6AEIJzAC#v=onepage&q=pattern%20j's%20grinchworm&f=false That's all I could find. Which is why I took it.... didn't want someone else to have to search like that!
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