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Fly Tying


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About Isonychia

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/15/1955

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  1. Back when I first posted to this thread, I used a Dyna-King Barracuda. I have since switched to a LAW. I was fortunate to get one of the last ones before Mr. Waldron got out of the vise-making business. I'll have to admit that I'm a bit of a vise junkie. I still have every vise I've ever owned -- a Thompson A, a fixed-head Regal, a rotary Regal, the Dyna-King and the LAW. John
  2. A famous Scottish salmon fly, the Garry, was tied using fur from the local parson's Golden Retriever. Garry was the dog's name. John
  3. Hi, Will... Nice design! I'd like one in Black and one in Navy. Both size XXL. Thanks! John
  4. Twenty years ago, I'd have said I'd give up tying. Now it's just the opposite. Ongoing back-pain problems have made fishing very, very difficult. In the last two years, I've fished a grand total of three hours. Fly tying "keeps my hand in the pastime," so to speak. John
  5. Gee, it's been a while since I checked in here.... My basic kit is a Nikon D90 (Nikon D2H as backup), 17-35 mm f/2.8 Nikkor zoom, 105 mm f/2.8 Micro-Nikkor, 35-70 f/2.8 Tokina zoom, and an 80-400 Nikkor f/5.6 IS zoom. Also a lot of gadgets and gewgaws, including two SB-800 Speedlights and an R1C1 Macro Flash Kit. John
  6. Congratulations, Al! You'll love the CMOS sensor; it makes low-light shooting at least 10 times easier. The color-balance algorithms in this generation of Nikon are vastly superior to those in earlier models, too. Enjoy! John
  7. Just scored a box of Thin Mints from the daughter of a co-worker. I'm usually good for at least three boxes, but this year the doctor tells me I'm about two Samoas away from Type II diabetes. So I'll just graze on these two or three cookies at a time instead of inhaling a whole sleeve at once. :innocent: John
  8. Dang, Jeff, that's a beautiful setup! I'm envious -- and I have a custom TV Tyr and a wall full of shelving to hold my materials! John
  9. Mrs. Claus was good to me, too -- an Oasis laptop bench, a Dyna-King vise light, a pair of Anvil taperizer scissors, a Whiting hackle gauge, a pair of Whiting hen necks and some white-tipped turkey feathers. John
  10. Full-time outdoors writer for a local newspaper, and a free-lance writer/photographer for hunting- and fishing-related magazines. John
  11. Most excellent, Dave! Informative tutorials, well photographed and nicely designed. A "must-bookmark" for sure. John P.S. The subliminal vegetable images make me think you're in cahoots with Jamie Oliver, who has spent the last couple of months in my hometown (a.k.a. "America's Fattest City") teaching us poor overweight hillbillies how to eat properly.
  12. I have a Nikon D90 as my primary camera, with a Nikon D2H and a Nikon D100 as backups. I carry a Canon S70 point-and-shoot in my fishing vest. John
  13. Holy cow! http://blogs.wvgazette.com/johnmccoy/2009/...d-record-brown/ John
  14. That's a beauty, Carl! Simple, but deadly effective. :thumbup: John
  15. Nice lookin' Watson's Fancy! If I may offer a couple of suggestions: 1.) Lengthen the tail. When you hold the tailing fibers over the hook shank to measure them, they should reach from the point immediately behind the hook eye all the way to the apex of the hook bend. 2.) Lengthen the wing a little, too. As TroutBum pointed out, the wing should extend to the midpoint of the tail. 3.) Make the throat a little fuller. Using hen hackle or schlappen helps here. Cock hackle fibers just don't have enough bulk. You've already addressed the other two issues -- the uneven floss (although the red-black junction was nicely executed) and the third rib not crossing over the midpoint of the floss junction. You're off to a terrific start. Look forward to seeing more of your stuff! John
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