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Fly Tying


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MAY 9th


decided to try out my backyard to get a carp on the fly. my youngest brother came with me too.

i had no idea what was going to happen. when i got down there i noticed a small school of little tailers in calm water . i also noticed there was a fair-sized one as well. i decided to tie on a medium size mighty whitey (a white greenie weenie) and casted. the first cast landed on the small island 5 feet from where they were feeding. not good. i just slowly lifted my rod and added a very long and fast strip. the fly came back and the carp didnt even notice . feew :ph34r: . i casted again. this cast landed perfectly 1 foot in front of the bigger one she looked at it and gulfed it up. i set the hook as hard as i could. i had her. 3 minutes later she was in my net.

heres a pic of her!!! my brother took this pic. then he left to go to his friends house

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about 5 minutes later i spotted anoter small school little tailers. and casted out at them. the fly landed 7 feet further than i wanted it to so i began slow strips when i seen a gold flash come out of murky water and take my fly. i set the hook. and then the fish took off down stream. after about 45 feet into her run. my reel started malfunctioning. bad to make matters worse she decied to try and hide under some submerged branches. and she got tangled. so i starded just pulling in the line. while going down stream. i got there

broke the sticks and took her out and brought her up for a picture.

here she is!!

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MAY 10th


the next day I switched my fly reels and went down to my backyard to try and get somemore carp.

heres what i saw when i first got down there. :o

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i casted my newest pattern. i call it a the carp pigboat. it is a fly with 5 rubber legs for the tail. then black chennile for the body. the more rubber legs around the top. casted perfectly in to the center of a smal pod. immediatly i seen the carp pick up my fly. i set the hook.and she took her run down stream. and luckily passed the sunken branches. and headed towards very shallow water. and got stuck. so i slowly walked down to get her and as i grabbed he she flopped out of my hands and bolted down stream. she must have used up the last of her energy in that 20 foot run because she came right back it.

here she is!!!

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MAY 10th later in the evening


two more of my golden ghosts :yahoo: . both were caught on my mighty whity. both fish were around 28 inches long. :yahoo:

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Thanks, I might have a go for carp later this year but I'm still trying to figure out what I'll be needing.

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:yahoo: sweet!!! :headbang:


I saw some HUGE 20+ lb carp the other day, but they're in a stream that is private and can't be fished :angry: I'm looking to hook my first one.


Great catches man...keep it up!!!


I love seeing the pics

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very cool keep up the great work and I am very jealous of your backyard,





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I went fishing today and saw tons of carp. All at least 10 lbs. I couldn't get one to take my fly so I jumped in the lake and started going for them barehanded. Actually caght one about 20 lbs. He beat the crap out of me until I put him back. I'll catch fish even if I have to go in and get them myself, lol.

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I went fishing today and saw tons of carp. All at least 10 lbs. I couldn't get one to take my fly so I jumped in the lake and started going for them barehanded. Actually caght one about 20 lbs. He beat the crap out of me until I put him back. I'll catch fish even if I have to go in and get them myself, lol.




That's the spirit!!!!!!!!!!! :headbang:

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