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1st pheasent tail

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made this today. 1st one i ever tried. turned out good except I tied the head close to the eye and its harder to get to. not bad tho actually resembles one. i used gold tinsle instead of copper wire because i don't got any yet.


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Practice is important and looking at other peoples flies is important, too. The PT nymph has many variations, but all have a much more slender profile than the one you have tied. Not that it will not take fish. You must model your flies after others from those that have more tying experience. Look for some good books and videos on tying. It will help.


Here's my version of a PT Nymph. Simple and sweet. I tie another variation, also.


IPB Image


Keep tying. Don't stop. You will get better at it.



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ya i realized that. i had only regular sewing thread for the black needed and it seemed to be super bulky. just got to wait for my good stuff to come in the mail. i got copper wire also coming

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I think for your first PT nymph it looks great! You will discover having the right materials will make a ddifference. Keep tying. I think you have made a fantastic start.

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I agree with Soft Hackle, pratice is key to getting better . I think you improve through tying and repeating and improving the last fly you tie . Try to be consistant with how you tie your flies. ( Like if you made only 3 wraps of dubbing for the thorax and it looks good , try to remember so when it comes to the next one it will look the same.) etc. You have found a awsome resource to use and many helpfull guys here, dont be afriad to ask if need some pointers. B) steve

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Fishaholic, Quick question, are you adding lead to the boddy? If so only add the lead to the front of the hook. Lead causes bulk. May be even consider not using it, again Im assuming you are. Keep up the good work buddy, it will come.

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thanks for all the comments and help guys. usually I add lead wire to the thick part of the body then cover with thread. I have some beadheads on there way also. keep ya posted . just waiting on the good ol mail system to come through.

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thanx Fly! My materials came in the mail but the threads are not here yet. I got so much materials i don't even know what half of um can be used for. haha. well keep ya posted. I will make another pheasent tail when the thread gets here. it will look way better this time.

heres what i got today. wish i knew what have of um for tho ? haha

25 Hooks, Assortment

3 Colours of Silk Floss

Gold & Silver Tinsel

"Whiting " or "Metz" Dry Fly Hackle

Wet Fly Hackle

Moose Mane

Peacock Herl

Chenille (3 colours)

Leech Wrap (3 colours)

Poly Fiber (3 Colours)


Eye Beads

Copper Wire

Sparkle Flash

Mylar Tubing (2colours)

Buck Tail (2 colours)

Bronze Turkey

Fox Tail

Deer Body Hair

Rabbit (Two Colors)



Larva Lace

Ringneck Pheasant Feathers


Golden Pheasant

Skud Back

Super Nymph/Bug Foam

Salmon Egg Yarn

Northern Wolf

Mallard Flank

Guinea Fowl



Bugger Wrap

Med. Rubber Spawn Strips

Streamer Hair




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heres the pheasent tail I made today!! looks alot better in my opinion! only thing wrong is the copper wire broke short but u can't tell to much and the tail always twist to the side on me seems like? I got to work on that. other than that I am very happy with this fly. actually looks like a pheasent tail this time... I think at least.


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Looks a lot better, only comment I would make is to thin out the tail a little. Size 14 and smaller, just three fibers, 12, and 10, 4 or 5 fibers, and 8, and 6 about 8.


Try tying up some of Jim Teeny's nymphs. They use nothing but pheasant tail. This link will show you a picture and tying instructions. They work, and are simple to tie. Use a heavy hook, like a Mustad 7970, or Eagle claw L1197N. Or get some of the Jim Teeny Hooks from his web site.



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On your tailing problem, try this. Start your tail about 1/4 of the way back from the eye. Take several firm turns of thread while you hold the tips out over the end of the hook. Now grasp the tips and hold them up off the hook as you continue wrapping back. Wrap firmly, and don't release the tips til your done. I usually wrap under the back of the tail once or tiwce to cock them up a little.

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