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Favorite Trout Fly Swap!!!!

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What a waste of time! NJFLYMAN, you suck! Don't host a swap if you cant follow through

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Got mine back today. Don't think NJFlyMan couldn't follow through, he just wouldn't. I guess this is it for me in the swaps. :angry:

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well well well....another swap gone bad....but WHY?

NJ stepped up to host the swap for a new guy.....

he posts the rules and date. at a few days past due he stated that he had only 8 out of the 13. and then Atroutbum2 gets what he asked for....NJ may have acted childish...but honest....I got back mine plus the extra stuff for him...I guess Troutbum aint the only one that "dont need this shit". I'm not happy about it but I'm only out one beer.

But I would like a reply from NJ.


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well well well....another swap gone bad....but WHY?

NJ stepped up to host the swap for a new guy.....

he posts the rules and date. at a few days past due he stated that he had only 8 out of the 13. and then Troutguy gets what he asked for....NJ may have acted childish...but honest....I got back mine plus the extra stuff for him...I guess troutguy aint the only one that "dont need this shit". I'm not happy about it but I'm only out one beer.

But I would like a reply from NJ.


I don't think thats going to happen. But it would be nice. I got my flies back OK but I'm out the shipping and 2 padded envlopes, And I see NJ is hosting another swap WTF he should at least be slapped on the hands by someone!! I'm more then a little pissed off over this Childish act by a swapmaster!!!

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Just one little reason why I'm done on this site and haven't been actively checking or updating the swap page. First I must say i was honestly just going to swap them all out when they all arrived and that was going to be it. Nothing said, I was just going on my way peacefully . Until I got more B/S and now some of you want a reply.. Please read.. ..A post on another thread.. From Smallie Hunter.."NJFlyMan, you sure expect alot from me and a lot from a website that you have never paid a dime to use. Tell you what, if you expect that much from me then don't bother hosting or participating on swaps here, I am certainly not going to be able to live up to your high expectations". FTF.


I guess me giving Old Hat flies the other year for the raffle doesn't count as giving a dime??? And hosting numerous swaps in the past that the swappers got flies back before the due date doesn't mean a thing. Or even equal that i gave him a dime in his eyes?


Also.. All the flies that arrived are in the mail being returned. I was also kind and gave some of you money in return for the postage wasted. Others sorry about that. The USPS couldn't break my $50.00 for small bills that day.





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Hey guys....where does Troutguy come in in Yetavon and Deweygreen's posts? I have not been in this swap nor did I post? Please don't use my name in vain. I run great swaps.





well well well....another swap gone bad....but WHY?

NJ stepped up to host the swap for a new guy.....

he posts the rules and date. at a few days past due he stated that he had only 8 out of the 13. and then Troutguy gets what he asked for....NJ may have acted childish...but honest....I got back mine plus the extra stuff for him...I guess troutguy aint the only one that "dont need this shit". I'm not happy about it but I'm only out one beer.

But I would like a reply from NJ.


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Hey guys....where does Troutguy come in in Yetavon and Deweygreen's posts? I have not been in this swap nor did I post? Please don't use my name in vain. I run great swaps.



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i never got my flies back, i guess since i never got the direct answer to my did you get the flies yet question, i will never know if they were ever recieved, but the do you want me to RTS the flies says you got them.


to all the other swapers im sorry, i only wanted my flies back after what i thought was a totaly out of line reply to an honest question that was ignored for too long.


i think blizz79 is right

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Not sure if everyone would be into this or not, but I would be glad to take over the Swap Master duties. It would mean another hit on postage. If you wanted to mail your set of flies to me, I would be glad to divide them up and return them. We could salvage something out of this mess.


atroutbum2: There is no need to apologize

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i never got my flies back, i guess since i never got the direct answer to my did you get the flies yet question, i will never know if they were ever recieved, but the do you want me to RTS the flies says you got them.


to all the other swapers im sorry, i only wanted my flies back after what i thought was a totaly out of line reply to an honest question that was ignored for too long.


i think blizz79 is right



I have no clue if I got your flies sorry. I couldn't tell if i got them b/c i didn't open every envelope i received .And i think you didn't put your username on the outside envelope? I was just counting the envelopes only. Once i got the right amount i was going to swap them for everyone. But your questions decided it for everyone that day. So the ones i had on had went RTS and any others i had gotten in the mail after they were sent out....

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i never got my flies back, i guess since i never got the direct answer to my did you get the flies yet question, i will never know if they were ever recieved, but the do you want me to RTS the flies says you got them.


to all the other swapers im sorry, i only wanted my flies back after what i thought was a totaly out of line reply to an honest question that was ignored for too long.


i think blizz79 is right



I have no clue if I got your flies sorry. I couldn't tell if i got them b/c i didn't open every envelope i received .And i think you didn't put your username on the outside envelope? I was just counting the envelopes only. Once i got the right amount i was going to swap them for everyone. But your questions decided it for everyone that day. So the ones i had on had went RTS and any others i had gotten in the mail after they were sent out....



no , i did not put my username on the outside of the envelope, but i did have it on the altoids tin, and toetags on every fly , i mailed it in a mamella envelope, but the flies were in a padded envelope inside the manela, it would have come from pittsburgh pa

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well well well....another swap gone bad....but WHY?

NJ stepped up to host the swap for a new guy.....

he posts the rules and date. at a few days past due he stated that he had only 8 out of the 13. and then Troutguy gets what he asked for....NJ may have acted childish...but honest....I got back mine plus the extra stuff for him...I guess troutguy aint the only one that "dont need this shit". I'm not happy about it but I'm only out one beer.

But I would like a reply from NJ.


I don't think thats going to happen. But it would be nice. I got my flies back OK but I'm out the shipping and 2 padded envlopes, And I see NJ is hosting another swap WTF he should at least be slapped on the hands by someone!! I'm more then a little pissed off over this Childish act by a swapmaster!!!





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I did not mean troutguy....troutbum ....thats what I get for driving 14 hours 6 hours of sleep and posting before coffee.

It seems I cant edit it.


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