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Fly Tying

Hackle Chickens

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15 right now with about 20 eggs incubating and more eggs going in daily. Its such a slow process when you only have 2 chickens laying eggs lol. Id like to be able to get to a few hundred in a couple years and i have some new colors lined up ill be getting this fall.


On the bugger hackle, i have a friend who is actually working on developing a line of streamer birds so im anxious to see where that goes for him. I want to try and focus on dry fly birds for a while before i start trying to work with wet hackle and streamer birds.

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Thought i would put a current picture of my grizzly breeder up, he is 13 months now, his saddles drag the ground


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Just wanted to update everyone with where im at with the birds. This summer has been great for adding chicks to my flock, i only have two hens that are old enough to lay eggs so im very limited on how many i can add, that being said by the end of the weekend i should have added my 40th chick and some time im the next week to 10 days i will hit 50 birds. I have about half and half grizzlies and barred duns right now. I hatched a lot of the dun eggs over the last month and am adding grizzlies again starting next week. I plan on offering full skin hens for you soft hackle folks, they should be ready to start around september-october. Im planning on adding brown birds to the flock in the fall, but need to get another building put up to handle them. Thanks again everyone for your support on my adventure and ill be starting a list to request hackle in a few months.

Take care



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Now if he cold just raise them in chartreuse, then we'd really be in!!!smile.pngsmile.png


here's a starter kit



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Just wanted to update everyone with where im at with the birds. This summer has been great for adding chicks to my flock, i only have two hens that are old enough to lay eggs so im very limited on how many i can add, that being said by the end of the weekend i should have added my 40th chick and some time im the next week to 10 days i will hit 50 birds. I have about half and half grizzlies and barred duns right now. I hatched a lot of the dun eggs over the last month and am adding grizzlies again starting next week. I plan on offering full skin hens for you soft hackle folks, they should be ready to start around september-october. Im planning on adding brown birds to the flock in the fall, but need to get another building put up to handle them. Thanks again everyone for your support on my adventure and ill be starting a list to request hackle in a few months.

Take care




This is awesome Evan! Sounds great!

That grizzly bird above looks amazing!!

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Just wanted to give a shoutout and say thankyou to crotalus for buying this full skin grizzly. This was the last of my original birds i had that i sold for hackle. New birds will be coming on in the winter months starting after the first of the year for roosters and in November/december i have 2 hens i will sell full skins off of also. So i just wanted to get a list of who all would be interested?


Tight lines




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I received the skin in the mail yesterday, too busy to open it and admire though. I'll be posting some pics of the skin and flies tied with it in the near future.


Now that I have 2 of Evans saddles I am going to be dyeing some of the feathers, probably chartreuse and pink, will post some of those photos too.

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So it's been a while since I've posted on ftf much. 2013 was super buisy for me with a new baby and 50 of these bad boys running around to tend to. I start skinning the end of the month, and eggs are gonna be incubating starting march for next years flock! Also I started a blog if anyone wants to check that out. It's www.sidlinghillhackle.blogspot.com


Take care









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