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Panama Red

Redfish, it's whats for dinner

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Yeah, not exactly the scenario I was hoping for this spring but at least the boat is getting used for something. Hopefully, things will settle down in a couple weeks.


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I just checked in on this thread. Yeah, if the boat's not in the water, it's useles ... oh, wait, this is an excellent place to put these !!!


Watch out, it'll become the catch all for every unwanted, bulky item you have !!!

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I use mine to collect cones and needles from loblolly pines. When the boat fills up, I just haul it over to the county landfill. In fact, I'm thinking about getting another boat for the front yard.

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Hey, a storage bin was one of the selling points I tried on the wife just to get her to yield the large side of the garage to my boat. Every time she plows into the other side of the garage with the van she lets me have it. Actually, I really appreciate her moving her car over. I am only in the doghouse once a month on average. We had almost 6 inches of rain at my house. Cant imagine those guys in FLA with 20 inches, but then again no sense feeling sorry since they can fish 12 months of the year.

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managed to get out yesterday but only for about an hour and a half before I got drenched in a squall. Was able to get at least one on a plug right before the downpour so it wasn't too bad of a day. The fish are almost black in that dark water we are having right now. Couldn't really fly fish with the way the wind was blowing. Plus, it's extra difficult to use the fly when the wind is pushing the boat quickly and perpendicular to the current. I haven't quite mastered that art yet.


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Digging the redfish, I like it when they're all bronzed up from dark water…Very nice! What's the screwdriver for?


Wife and I are going out tomarro just to see how the water along the beaches look. I'll take an 8wt for pompano and 12wt in case I win the lottery and a cobia swims by. More than likely I'll put up an umbrella and drift along in the sound with a diet soda in hand while the wife feeds me grapes.


The water receded about a foot before I took this shot of the boat ramp at the end of the street. That's the normal location for the dock, it floats up and down on pillars. A lot of docks behind homes were underwater and several boats in the neighborhood are now under water.



Some pics of the fish camp down the road…




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That's a knife sharpener. Our water is pretty high too but nothing like that. Must be nice to have your wife feed you grapes. Mine just chucks them at me like baseballs

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That water is so high ... and still doesn't look very muddy. I love that about our rivers. Coffee colored, yes, but muddy, rarely.

You're wife feeds you grapes? With a slingshot? Are they floating in a clear, almond-smelling liquid?

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I am wondering as I write this, is this appropriate - however.... I feel compelled to do so. Mike??? "almond smelling milk"? If this is not appropriate to explain here.... please pm me. (lol)


Looks like a LOT of water down your way Panama! We've had some higher than normal water as a result of rains this Spring but nothing like that. Wishes go out to you that the waters recede and things return to normal for you.



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Actually, what I wrote was, "clear, almond-smelling liquid" ... referring to some poisons, which smell of almonds.

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I seems that Mike has been doing some research on almond smells. :)

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When you go to your Mother-n-law's house for dinner once a week ... it pays to be aware of ones surroundings. Pay attention to containers like solvents and pest control poisons. You just never know when a particular smell in that "special" dish will save your life.

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Man, quite the pictures Dave! Good job on the reds in the original post too! laugh.png

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