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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by troutguy

  1. I had a Beretta 70s in 22 long rifle. What a crazy accurate pistol with exceptional out of the box accuracy.
  2. I have been making knives for several years. I enjoy using my forge, I started with a coal forge I made, I now have gas. I buy resin blanks in trout patterns for many.
  3. I never thought of myself as an elf. More an imp, wood sprite or krampus. Tying some caddis for Santa Bob
  4. Fishing Bob Nelson’s wife Sharon passed away today. Please send him your condolences. He has for over a decade been one of the stewards of the swap page that kept swaps alive. He encouraged and praised and helped everyone. Now he needs our strength. If you want his home address, please PM me. If you want to call him, please PM me. He is lost in his grief. Prayers.
  5. FishingBobNelson You’re not going to mail my flies back, and make me get them there next week?
  6. FishingBobNelson I'm told that GrubHub will be delivering my flies tomorrow. They will be in a taco order secretly stashed after 11:17AM at Primrose Park. They said ominously that you will know where to look.
  7. Thank you Niveker! Rabbithole outed me on a Facebook page giving away my secret Owen’s Corning R15.
  8. Light Hendricksons on the way. I used pink insulation for the dubbing.
  9. Please sign me up and Bill J. You have heard of the be determined later flies, well this is a be determined later tier. I will cover 24 flies if he fails to join.
  10. Bob thank you for hosting a great swap! Thank you the extras! Love renegades, yours especially. Did you mean to send me the two twenty dollar bills and the half eaten taco?
  11. I’m in. I was thinking of moose, mink and mallard since the letter P has already been used. Biots are ok? I may go with Woodcock, Turkey & Fox. Now if I can only think of a catchy name for that wetfly.
  12. Anyone reload 40 SW with cast bullets? I have some 140 grain lead. Tried some WST and Titegroup. Need to try these loads. Anyone have 700x, Titegroup, HP-38, HS6, or WST loads you like for 140 or 165gr lead?
  13. If I might ask, what was wrong with you? How old are you? My liver and white Brit, is a rescue. I got her when she was eighteen months old. I was her third home. I self trained the orange one to hunt with quail wi gs and then live quail, a lot was just her natural ability. Abby, the liver, would walk, but not hunt when we went out. I took her with Hope, I took her with other dogs. One day, she pointed a woodcock. She retrieved it too. If you can get a couple of live quail put them in a mesh bag and hide them. Let your dog find them. Keep doing it and make it a fun game. I made a trap to catch the quail back. Even if your dog doesn’t get trained, enjoy him. Three is not too old. You, be well. Hope is my orange Brit. In 2010, my Brit Maddie was killed when my youngest son who was house sitting let the dog out to great my wife and me when we came back from a week in NY. She ran after a stray cat and was hit by the only car on the road. I laid on the road and cried. Two days later I found out that I had kidney cancer. My wife made me get another dog. I got Hope, reluctantly. I didn’t want to go through cancer and my heart hurt from losing Maddie. My type of cancer could have been fatal. I couldn’t think of a dog name, finally, I realized that I had no Hope. So that’s her name. Let your dog be your strength.
  14. Vicrider did you lick the last swap envelope you mailed. Ancestry.com
  15. Brittanys are extremely smart. Hope know hundreds of words, opens door knobs and cabinets. Abby, the liver color can open the two part locking baby gate. I was hunting with two other guys and I told Hope hunt left and she did. One guy said, “Why don’t you use simple one word commands?” I replied cause I didn’t have a GSP. When we hunt quail and they run instead of holding, Abby runs out one hundred plus yards and works back sweeping until the quail are trapped between the two dogs. I never taught them that. The sad part is Hope is over twelve with some health issues, so I did not hunt her this year.
  16. I have two Brittany and a wanna be ditch weasel Brittany. I fish with me often. The hunt woodcock, quail and sometimes duck. They point and retrieve. They are great companions and keep me company while tying too, after all, they supply some materials. Hope is orange and 12.5 years, Abby, the liver is 9.5. Zoey the ditch weasel is five. She likes rolling in mud, the incoming ocean surf and laying flat in a trout stream. Oh, yea, she was supposed to be the wife’s lap dog. They all love the soccer goal net on the Jeep with the top down.
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