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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by troutguy

  1. Breambuster mine are in mail making the LOOOOOONG trip to your house. I changed my fly to a Dark Cahill. I posted one of my rejects in the July Vise thread. I hope you find the ones you get are better.
  2. Faded banjo in and out will not help a zebra midge reach the million view mark... I don't think there are any fly tying videos with a million views. But the ones with no music, or no talking (music videos) generally get under 5k views for entire years or longer. But again, just my observation and I could be wrong. I get a decent amount of views especially since my channel has only been up for 7 or so months. But I'll be the first to admit it's probably not because I tie he best flies in the world. Personally I think it's cause I put effort into the videos. I edit them, put some music, make them quick and to the point. Dont get me wrong, I tie decent flies, but I'm no where near as good as Davey M. Or any of the other guys that have been doing this for multiple decades. Heck I'm only 33 years old, I cannot clams to be as good as these other guys that have been doing it longer than I've been alive. I'm quite sure I would stop getting as many views if I stopped putting as much effort into making the vodeos. No it's not just banjo fading in and out, or the fact that my videos are short, or the fact that I keep the fly in focus, or the fact that I am close up on the fly with a plain background, maybe it's just the fact that the videos are decent quality in a whole. It's all those put together and more? In my opinion, it's all about the fly. If it's interesting, people will tune in. Other than that, it's about remaining in focus, having good lighting, and that's it. = 12,000 views. No music other than a quick intro. That video was published a while back. 12k views is pretty sad. "Published on Nov 17, 2014" SO thats almost 2 years old, at least 1.5 years. Thats about 6-7k views/year. - Thats one of mine, with 4750 views and it was published 4 months ago. Thats on track for 12k views each year. And that one has music. Im not saying that its better, what Im saying is that its all about preference. You like no music, some want music. That video you posted is good as well. Im not saying anything bad about it. Im only saying that the versatility of videos online is a good thing. Different strokes for different folks. There are lots of video's I don't watch, or skip past. Some of which are quite popular. But its because they aren't my style, or a type of fly I'm interested in tying. Just skip past the ones you don't like. It is what it is. I do have a question for you, Whats the point of trying to have a "bigger viewcount" argument? Especially with the FFF guys who have a legitimate business and killer content? In all honesty, you sound like someone who doesn't know how to handle an online presence in regards to trying to grow a website, business, or channel on YouTube. Quit being a prick to people when they respond to things you say. Its not about the music, its about the person and their attitude. Take your own advice. "Just skip past the ones you don't like. It is what it is. " I'm not trying to be a "prick" to anyone. I even said that there video was good, and I have nothing bad to say about it. Read what I say before you come down on me. I'm actually quite a nice guy, and I'm having a decent conversation. Not an argument... I'm not the one saying bad about anyone's videos here. Others however have completely trashed my vodeos in what they say. If anyone is being a "prick" it's some others, not me. McFly I don't know any of these people posting. I don't have any fly tying videos. I was reading this chuckling away, some I found grade school funny and other comments I agreed with. I was not planning on posting. Your compliments to Cheech seemed snarky and maybe backhanded. Maybe I'm reading it wrong. Not being familiar with your videos other than it seems many times you post one either the administrators comment or someone gives it a bad review and you take all your fly tying toys and go home again. I honestly never felt like following the link to your videos. This time, I watched a couple of your videos and a couple of Curtis Fry. I have watched his in the past. Your tying style seems basic and to your credit you are pushing your fly selection beyond your skill and comfort zone. People that continue to push themselves either become good golfers or they learn the craft of fly tying.......... You tend to crowd your heads and seemed to be less skillful than some of the other tiers I have watched. You aren't the worst tier, but I wouldn't seek out your videos for instructional purposes. Your strengths seem to be behind the camera, in editing or filming rather than a tier. I laughed so hard about beards, music, cups, etc, but, the audience is always right. I too am puzzled by the ego of counts. Is this a money market? I occasionally use a throw net to catch bait for large blues. I watch this video on youtube every time to get the throw net steps down. It has been up since Moses was fishing and it doesn't have 2K in hits. This is a tough crowd, especially when you become the self appointed best, or criticism bothers you. There are dozens upon dozens of other self appointed experts here, many, many of them in fact and some are real legitimate leaders and artists in the field. Join some swaps and enjoy the site instead of making us your test subjects. I often tie what I think is my best or at least a pretty good "whatever" and I am all too often humbled by the dozen flies I get back.
  3. Shrimp that I tied for sea trout, small blues and pompano. The bass, sunfish and crappie love this fly.
  4. Mine arrived. Thanks all and thanks for the baitfish hair. Cool color.
  5. What was the bass tourney book Hiaasen wrote? Lol. Double Whammy R.J. Decker, star tenant of the local trailer park and neophyte private eye is fishing for a killer. Thanks to a sportsman's scam that's anything but sportsmanlike, there's a body floating in Coon Bog, Florida -- and a lot that's rotten in the murky waters of big-stakes, large-mouth bass tournaments. Here Decker will team up with a half-blind, half-mad hermit with an appetite for road kill; dare to kiss his ex-wife while she's in bed with her new husband; and face deadly TV evangelists, dangerously seductive women, and a pistol-toting redneck with a pit bull on his arm. And here his own life becomes part of the stakes. For while the "double whammy" is the lure, first prize is for the most ingenious murder. (FROM AMAZON ihang10) Hey Mike Chell..........not Jason Bourne, but R. J. Decker would be acceptable. i was thinking more of the former Governor of Florida Skink.........
  6. https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#safe=off&q=Florida+Roadkill&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLUz9U3MM42KCtSgjBzqooNtKSyk630k_Lzs_UTS0sy8ousQOxihfy8nMpHjMHcAi9_3BOW8pq05uQ1RhcuPIqF1LjYXPNKMksqhWS4eKUQlmkwSHFzIbg8AFMK08CKAAAA&tbs=kac:1,kac_so:0
  7. Above Myrtle Beach is Sunset Beach. walk south get away from the crowds head toward what is called Bird Island. Fish surf with light fly rod and small clousers or sand flea imitations for pompano and other small fish. Walk a mile down the beach and you hit the inlet. Watch the tides. incoming and out going you are liable to catch many different species. The marsh behind is good for reds. There are wadeable areas. Google sand flea fly. Here is a good example I found. There is a BassPro in Myrtle Beach to buy flies. Below Myrtle Beach is Murrell's Inlet. I put my kayak in here and fish the grassy area for trout and redfish . I saw a Ribbon Fish in there several times. Amazing to see them. The restuarants feed the rays and skates off the dock on the north side of the boat ramp. Impressive to kayak through when they dump kitchen scraps. I paddle out to the ocean and jetty at Garden City inlet. The tides again are key. Small blues, some Spainish, trout, lady fish, flounder and reds on clousers. Other flies work too. Crab and shrimp flies work well in grass. Look for tailing reds. I prefer to fish Reds in the area north of Charleston around Bull and Capers Islands. Charleston Harbor is alive with Jack Cravelle during the summer if you have access to boat or guide. I kayak them.
  8. Anyone read the Florida authors Tim Dorsey or Carl Hiaasen? and not think Mike Chell is a character from the books?
  9. My spell check wouldn't let Fishing Bob and winning be in the same sentence
  10. Now Fishing Bob switches to sucking up as his strategy for whining
  11. Is the ugly thing the fly, your fishing partner or one of the swappers ?
  12. No trash here Fishing Bob, I Googled "trout Cheyenne, OK". The response was, "do you mean Wyoming ?" That was followed by "Simon's Catch and Red Lobster". Also there is a Trout Funeral home. Nearby. Also plenty of people named trout. You might be right Fishing Bob.
  13. Love the Cheech video. Great tie. Watched several of your videos. McFlylure not as much.
  14. My wife wanted an Emu egg off of eBay. They are malachite green. Some crafty project. The egg was packed in feathers, not styrofoam peanuts. Some of the feathers will do anything ostrich will others are more like saddle hackle. Others seemed too spikey to do anythink until I looked and experimented. Each individual feather barbs had barbules that made great midge sized ostrich type feathers for gills and such.
  15. So all the trash talking has blow away like an Oklahohoma Sooner football prospect headed to Clemson. FishingBob is probably out making jerky, again. In California that means picking up slightly singed roadkill caught in the wildfires. Mikechell you want to weigh in...............
  16. and the reason you send the person who runs the swap extras is you need tape, your envelope is torn, you use a box that you dumster dove for in Seacucus in 1987.............................
  17. Probably .... it the Winn Dixie Seafood section. Mike Chell if you Google "where to find trout in Oklahoma" It comes up with do you mean Missouri, Colorado or New Mexico.
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