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Are people really worth hating..lol.

Exactly, they aren't. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." Everybody does something that annoys somebody else. Hating them for it doesn't do squat. Maybe we could mentor people instead of condemning them. For example, if we could just convince all of those people that they would rather be home tying flies instead of out canoeing and rafting...

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Hating them for it doesn't do squat.

Ah ... but hating them is SO much easier than anything else.

If you care/like/love people, then you have to invest other emotions in them. Concern for their well-being. The desire to "...mentor people instead of condemning them."

The disappointment that ALWAYS follows any of the above conditions.

I hate people ... thus, I care nothing of what becomes of them. Poof! No more emotions involved !!!


I'll stick with "us". "Us" don't need changing because we're already courteous and polite.


Everyone else is "people".


And we hate people. Yes, yes we do !!!

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And how do "people" become courteous when "Us" don't teach them to be?

LOL I don't know, nor do I care.


There are WAY too many people on this planet.


I am a teacher by trade. I teach people and us how to work on outboard engines. Even among those who show up to my facilities, I can't reach them all. So, I teach the ones who are willing to learn. The ones who aren't, well, they leave here as poor as they arrived. I can't force the knowledge into their heads.


Parents teach their kids to be us. If they don't, it's not my place to change that. They just add to the people who need to stay away from me.


There's enough of us that we don't need to try to change the people. We have us ... good enough for me.

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it,s so easy to hate in this day and age..because we are so different and with the push for group think all differences are suspect..we,ve been set up, it,s a lose-lose situation, no winners..this is why i no longer watch television because it has this agenda of making our differences almost into a crime..and this is going on world-wide.

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Quite the opposite in the U.S.A. Ben.

It's all about "diversity" here. You no longer have to hide what you think you are! You can see yourself as a ... warthog ... lying on the ground, and people have to respect that.

You think the gender identity thing is about criminalizing differences ?


But you are correct on one point ... it is SO easy to hate these days. But not because people are different ... because people think their differences make them special. Hey, EVERYONE is different ... get over it and let's move on with our lives. (Not you, Ben, the people who think they're "special")

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Thinking you can change people into being courteous is a feel good thing to say or to type out on a website, but truth of the matter is that is all it is. You can't change the type of people we are saying we don't like. When a stranger knowingly comes flying up behind you and cuts around you only to stop in front of you to turn because they feel they are more important than you, they do that because they are an A'hole in every other aspect of their life and it simply shows through in other outwardly ways as well. And nothing some complete stranger can say or do is going to teach them to be a kind courteous person.


So I will stand by my motto of hating people. Not because I am a hateful person nor have malice in my heart. Rather it is simply because there are in fact a vast number of people on this plant whom do not care one bit about how they treat others and they will never change no matter what we do so I've simply stopped giving a damn about those sort of people.

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Mike, George Orwell wrote "Animal Farm" and the barn had a message on the side of it saying all animals are equal but some are more equal than others..we are all special but some think they are more special..a man who has a bakery and refuses to sell a cake to someone may go to jail because this someone thinks he is more special and should be served by the baker..to me it doesn,t matter why...it,s the baker,s property.. he can do whatever he want,s to do with it and sell it to whoever..take your business to another baker or bake your own cake..it,s not that hard..but some people are extra special and you got a government that caters to the extra special and shoves them down our throats, like it or not..maybe you should direct your hate at the politicians who make stupid laws mainly to keep things stirred up

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maybe you should direct your hate at the politicians who make stupid laws mainly to keep things stirred up


You underestimate us Ben...there's enough hate to go around for everyone :) lol

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Quite the opposite in the U.S.A. Ben.

It's all about "diversity" here. You no longer have to hide what you think you are! You can see yourself as a ... warthog ... lying on the ground, and people have to respect that.

You think the gender identity thing is about criminalizing differences ?


But you are correct on one point ... it is SO easy to hate these days. But not because people are different ... because people think their differences make them special. Hey, EVERYONE is different ... get over it and let's move on with our lives. (Not you, Ben, the people who think they're "special")

Mike-Bingo Big man!I could not agree more!



maybe you should direct your hate at the politicians who make stupid laws mainly to keep things stirred up


You underestimate us Ben...there's enough hate to go around for everyone :) lol

Reminds me of the original Red Dawn:Major "All that hate is gonna burn you up kid". Wolverine "Keeps me warm".

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And I thought that I was following a nice friendly sociable group.


signed; Hermit Les

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Reminds me of the original Red Dawn:Major "All that hate is gonna burn you up kid". Wolverine "Keeps me warm".





One of my favorite movies ;)

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Here's a prime example of why I hate people. As I sit here right now typing this out I have a constant thumping sound going. Why? because about a year ago I got new neighbors next door and the moron husband is a drum player dry.png


This is a house too, not an apartment. Yet even with windows closed, TV on, and even a fan going I can still hear the damn thumping. I live in the burbs and the houses are only a driveway wide apart (about 15ft). Common sense would tell a smart person that an acoustic drum set is gonna be so loud that it will annoy the F^&%$ out of all your neighbors when the damn houses are only 15ft apart. This guy use to play every damn day for an hour a day. About 4 months ago I got to my breaking point and decided to send them an anonymous letter (it was friendly written) just asking him to PLEASE have some consideration for his neighbors and get some electric practice drums or some padded tops for his drums. He did make it a "tad" less loud and now cut down to 3 days per week, but it's still just not smart to think it's okay to practice a friggin drum set when houses are this close together.


Just the lack of common sense, no one seems to have it anymore these days.

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I also don't believe that a rower or tuber or kayaker needs to be fluent in fishing courtesy just because I like to fish over rowing or paddling.


If someone is going to use a public water then they should 100% know the rules, laws, and curiosity you show other users. To do differently is nothing short of selfish behavior IMO.

I get it but who's to say who is getting in the way of the others fun? I also realize my level of tolerance is exceptionally high but this has been honed over many years of not only fishing but life in general where crowds are everywhere. Just getting a cup of coffee or a tank of gas can be a nightmare.


My tolerance does not include stupidity or the unwanted touching of my stuff. In fact my fuse is probably way shorter than most when it comes to stupidity like kids touching my stuff. While I have never experienced a PETA member purposely interfering with my fun Im confident I will be able to handle it where nobody gets hurts and the trip will be more memorable and enjoyable than ever.

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