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Fly Tying


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About sparkleminnow

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/27/1966

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    Lincoln, Illinois

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  1. Here's the link I tie my sparkleminnows using this finish, at the head. No glue needed...cheaper. No whip finish tool...cheaper. NEVER, EVER, comes undone...better. So why whip finish? You got me! I've had people ask me how I finish my sparkleminnow, for a very long time. I never really knew how to answer them. I learned this finish from a Gary Borger video, a LOOONG time ago. But, I use it on everything! It seems to be a very well guarded secret! In fact, I'll put it up against a whip finish, for simplicity, and durability, any day of the week! My heart felt thanks out to Gary Borger, for this!
  2. I have found that they CAN BE very cooperative. And, I have found times that they can be so infuriatingly selcetive, that you would swear they are related to trout! To say that they will eat anyting is a bit short-sighted. They can....BUT...it is highly variable. The ponds I had frequented, for bluegill, were all different. One pond, they were highly focused on tan caddis. They could be excruciatingly focused on bead head soft hackle hare's ears (a soft hackle pattern). But, NEVER take a standard "Hare's Ear". They would sometimes take a tan caddis larva. But, only at the right time of year. They would, of course, take a tan caddis adult. Again, at the right time. A few other patterns were also good. Royal Wulff, Yellow Wolly Worm (sz 6, believe it, or not). And, Yellow Humpy. However, the royal wulff, and yellow humpy were shredded in short order. While the Elk Hair Caddis remained intact, for 30+ fish. Every body of water is different!!!!! Don't expect that a guy who says poppers are the best, has to be right! I NEVER caught them on poppers at my two favorite spots! I always love to take fish on top. But, it's not always the best method. In fact, the place I fished the most, you would NEVER take a bluegill on anything black. But, they guy I used to buy my fly fishing stuff from SWORE by black! Again, every place is different!
  3. You know, I thought I had already participated in this one?! I guess I missed the boat, so to speak. Yes Whitey Herzog is a great fish, but my fave is the hybrid striper. White bass on steroids!!
  4. If you guys need some large, yellow hackles. I have some Whiting capes. Bought them to make striper flies, but the striper fishery, here, kinda dried up. Now, I'm stuck with them...unless you guys are interested? They are listed on the trading floor.
  5. You can get five ten resoling kits, and do it yourself. I have done it, and it is NOT difficult. Most of the felt sole I have had FALL OFF without prompting. You should be able to peel them off, if you can get a bit of it started. Once that is done, you can get a wire wheel on a bench grinder, or a wire wheel for an electric drill, to get most of the old glue off. The soles from five ten, are pretty decent (nothing is as good as felt). I have done a set of my own, twice. And, frankly, they stay on far better than felt soles! Five Ten
  6. We all know that new stuff can be a boon, or bust. But, if you don't KNOW about them, you can't try them! So, I'm always about letting people know what's out there, and we can all try them. If they work...great! but, if they don't...well, we tried. So, in that spirit, I thought I would let you all know about a few things I thought were pretty cool... Nymph backs Stonefly nymph bodies hooper legs Hoppeyes Now we all should know that hoopers DO NOT have eyes that are white with a pupil. So, when were we supposed to get an eye for our hopper patterns that were realistic...or, even close?!?! Now, we do!
  7. I'm sure it's easy to tie, but does anyone have a materials list for it?
  8. Hopper Eyes You don't really need eyes, but if you feel like playing around, and want that last bit of realism.
  9. Perchjerker hit the nail on the head. But...at least to my experience, I had caught both them suprisingly well using a sz 12 tan Caddis larva; a caddis larva tied with pearl green & olive Lite Brite; a sz 6 yellow wooly worm; and in the fall, a hopper.
  10. A bit off topic, but heat will kill bedbugs better than anything. 120*F for an hour will kill them, where cold won't.
  11. K, guys. After much anticipation, and a veerrrrry long wait, there is now a video for tying the sparkleminnow. Though, I have to burn the copies, myself. That means, there will only be enough for those on this thread....for now. I'll have to get some blank DVD's, and get Nero 11 hot! VERY limited quantities!
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