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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by smalliestalker

  1. I recently went to the Salmon River in Pulaski NY...I have stayed away from this river due to the stories of line cutting and violence. What I found was actually the complete opposite. I had a great time, hooked 6 salmon and landed my first. This caused me to by a switch rod and begin making flies for steelhead. A fish that I have not caught before, but hope tomorrow my first one will come to my hand. These are the beginning flies to my new obsession...Since I am new to this kind of fly and fish, all input is appreciated....Thanks...
  2. I like the flat faced poppers, hit in the front with hard as nails....My preference is for divers though....
  3. black stone flies......10-14.....good stuff on the SR....
  4. thanks again everyone....Bruce....I want to see when it is done.....maybe we can share some new tricks....
  5. fish catching goodness...nice work
  6. thank you all again....I am a bass bug fanatic...love making these things....
  7. some new flies for a collector in NYS
  8. I rock out a sage large mouth rod as well.....I can cast it into the backing with a 4/0 deer hair bass bug on the line...horsing bass out of the weeds is no problem at all with it....It loads very quick and with a double haul cuts threw the wind with ease.....
  9. very cool.....i've seen that material before...very neat stuff...how's the movement in the water?
  10. that may have been the greatest request I have ever heard....simple fly man....size 4 streamer hook.....pink marabou, clear flashabou, white hackle in the front, tungston bead....enjoy
  11. haha...thanks...I ran out of cylinder foam though....
  12. colder weather brings a transitional time for smallies...look for deeper pools, as the temps drop they are going to be searching out their wintering holes....still fish the heads of pools, the tails of foods, as they are always good feeding grounds...slower presentations.....deeper presentations....try a sink line....the fall is a time when the baitfish are a little bigger...my best fish come from a little bigger minnow imitations, 3-4 inches, half and halfs work well....you can still bottom bounce a crayfish imitation this time of year....afternoon fishing is where it's at for the best action, the sun is at it's highest point and the water starts to warm back up a little, no need to get out early in the fall....hope that helps....
  13. Well....I am a warm water fanatic...I thought this winter instead of sulking waiting for spring, I would embrace the frigid temps and go fish for monster lake run browns and steelhead.....This is my start to that box....Let me know what else I need...Thanks...
  14. This is what happens when it rains.....I have every color sharpie you can buy and cylinder foam....Thought I'd try some wigglers....
  15. We all know the hellgrammite as being a demonic, bottom crawling larva that smallmouth love....I was remembering back to the middle of summer on one of my kayak fish trips down my river...There were a few kids fishing, hammering smallies and walleye left and right....I watched them as they used a seine between rocks, catching full grown adult dobsons and dead drifting them through the current.....This is my first try...it's a little rough....in need of refinement and fine tuning.....I tied it last night after 10 hours of tattooing......Let me know what you all think so far.....Any suggestions would be appreciated....
  16. damn.....now that's a fly.....creative work as always....us warm water guys need to continue to push the envelope in fly tying
  17. thanks all....he picked them up today and seemed to like them...said I'll be hearing from him as soon as he gets home and tries them all out....
  18. love them.....makes me want to tie more stuff.....ahhhhh...not enough time
  19. this is a few samples I made for a Florida man who mainly targets bluegills...he wanted to try out some bass bugs as well....let me know what you think...
  20. I smell smallmouth....looking good
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