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Fly Tying


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About heavynets

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 01/18/1947

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    Shelbyville, Indiana

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  1. It is still under development. Besides, the plastic I used would soften in Florida's heat.
  2. A 3-D printed reel with drag that I designed. I haven't fished it yet, but anxious to try it out on my 4 wt. It will never compete with a metal reel, but fun to make anyway.
  3. Here are some I 3-D printed. The pieces that hold the flys and streamers are printed separately from flexible material and glued in place where needed.
  4. I usually fish a soft hackle behind a streamer. I caught my biggest trout on a soft hackle fished 24" behind a white woolly bugger being stripped. I also fit them under an indicator with both the drop-shot method and conventionally.
  5. Whoops, wrong picture above. I meant this one.
  6. This one is my favorite. I designed and had made the jaws and arm. Everything else is from a Peak vise.
  7. Here is another one I made, with the help of a Peak vise.
  8. The jaws were 3-D printed with bronze impregnated stainless steel.
  9. This is my biggest feather thief.
  10. Video show how it could be done with forceps or hackle pliers.
  11. Build your own rod. It's even more satisfying than fly tying.
  12. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DM9ZR5Q/ref=twister_B01GVOZB66 Slotted beads will work.
  13. There is a popper of a different design at Thingiverse.com.
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