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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Sandan

  1. SBPatt's cripple reminded me of Morrish's May Day, so I has to twist a few up. To paraphrase Flat Rock native, you all are killing it. Coachmen fit for a king Mr. Knapp.
  2. A few I twisted up in the last day or so. Of course I tied more than one each.
  3. +1...Sandan, good to know you are still hanging here, hope you are still throwing down some top notch wraps... Carry On Flat Rock native, I'm here, haven't had much time to take photos and post. Still wrapping away like crazy though. Thanks
  4. Mark, I answer yes and yes. mikechell, nice system you have there
  5. Yep, just get some foam, cut it into a pie slice shape for different length cdc stems, cut some notches in it w/ a razor blade. Works like a charm
  6. A little of this a little of that. Been tying but not posting. Anyhow you guys are all rocking it.
  7. Nick, Thanks so much for hosting the swap. My present came today. Can't wait to see what's in it. And thanks Professori and Shmang for the trout flies. The holidays are going to be sweet
  8. Kimo, What are you using for the thorax on those RCRP midge emergers (not just the rust one) and how are you tying in the hackle, paraloop style? Thanks, Sandan
  9. Pat Dorsey's Hi Viz Midge. size 24 TMC 2487, tan 8/0 Uni, tan superfine, orange McFlylon, Whiting grizzly rooster hackle
  10. An addiction is only a problem when it negatively impacts self or others. Since fly tying usually keeps delinquents like you guys off the street ... I say it's a BOON in this case !!! Fly tying definitely keeps a guy like me off the street. It's a BOON for sure.
  11. Mark, If you ask me you have an obsession as you said. Is it a problem? They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'd say you don't have a problem. Some obsessions are healthy. Keep tying and obtaining more "stuff"!
  12. Thanks Lucian and flytire. Very cool. The tweezers or hemos he uses for a half hitch tool, what great idea.
  13. Was paging through Trout vol.1. In the chapter "The Black-Spotted Trout of the American Frontier", it's about all the Cutthroat trouts, came upon a reference to Carmichael's Indispensible. Had to check it out. Here it is, at least what I found. Dry fly hook, size 16, black 8/0 Uni, moose body tail, yellow thread body, pink thorax, grizzly hen wings, grizzly hackle collar. The rest of you all, keep 'em coming. Flytire, that Freight Train is waaaay cool
  14. 30. Python is fun. Good job coding the quiz. You spelled originate incorrectly. Modern fly fishing began in England/Scotland. But....It’s generally agreed upon by fishing historians that the first reference to fly fishing comes from the second century. Roman author Claudius Aelianus described the Macedonians as building what we would now call flies by attaching specific chicken feathers and wool to hooks. And if you ask me the yellowfin tuna record was caught "in the ocean"
  15. Getting some November flies in just under the gun. Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. As always you people are inspirational.
  16. You guys are killing it as usual. Here's a fuzzy baetis. Been tying 'em on 24's but figured I'd post an 18 so it's visible. U203, olive UTC 70 denier, XS copper ultra wire, killer caddis glass pearl bead, brown flouro fiber wing case, natural mallard CDC collar tied in a split thread loop.
  17. Though not strictly "November Flies From The Vise", I did finish off this midge box in November. In fact I just finished it. As usual you all are rocking the vise and sure give me inspiration to tie better
  18. I know you asked for Last Chance cripple. I tied this one with a CDC wing ala LAst Chance but used a stripped peacock quill for the body instead of a biot and wire. Figured I'd throw in a Quigley style too w/ a deer hair wing and biot and wire body for you.
  19. Tough question with good answers/advice so far. Personally what I'd try is a cripple, like a Quigley style or Last Chance style with something like an RS2 or soft hackle as the point fly. Not only let it drift but let it swing out at the end of your drift. Another idea is to take a look at Kelly Galloup's sunken spinner as the point fly. Also if the dead drift isn't working, twitch 'em a bit. Just my $.02.
  20. The drys are called, I'm pretty sure Poor Witch. Size 24, the hen hackle wing tied spent is just a small PITA, but fun and a good technique to have in the quiver. Tail is moose mane. I don't know who originated the pattern, but it works great when there are spent mayflies being taken. The nymphs are Sniper Baetis, a Hopper Juan pattern. Size 22 I think. They work great. As usual, great work everyone. Keep 'em coming!
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