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Fly Tying


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Thanks Rolson & Piker.

The tails are homemade dubbing brushes I made from Faux Fox fibers. You have to put a drop of CA glue on the tip after you cut the brush so the fibers don't pull out of the end. I pull some fibers off the end to expose the wire and then pull the fibers forward away from the end, lay the brush on a paper towel and drop the CA on the wire and let it wick up the wire a little into the base of the fibers and the paper towel wicks away the excess. Then I promptly brush out the tail to the rear to get the taper nice before any CA may dry the fibers straight out, then I just trim any excess wire off the end.




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Griffiths Gnat Style Variants using dyed peacock herl



muskrat gray






caddis green


dark tan


blue wing olive


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flytire, I will take all of them for my box haha, love catching bream OTF, they love the gnats

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I have been spending a lot more time at the bench so far this year, stocking the boxes for panfish, bass and trout fishing this season


Nymphs and Bugs


Mono Eye Scud



Pink Bluefill Beadhead Nymph





Bunny Claw Craw



Mercers Poxyback Craw (Variant)



Foxtail Craw



Foxtail & Krystal Hackle Craw



Folding Squirrel Tail Craw



Squirrely Clousers



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I have to second Kirk's comments about your deer hair bug, from it's being a very nice tie to the collar on the bottom. I would add one more comment. It appears that you glued the eyes directly to the trimmed body. I, along with all of the other deer hair tiers with whom I an acquainted, recommend either cutting with scissors tips, or burning with an electric cautery tool, a small recess in the head to glue the eyes into. Thus attached, they seem to be less likely to get knocked off by a fish; or other solid object. Also, the bug does not appear to be trimmed flat on the bottom; which most all highly recommend. When cutting the bottom flat, you automatically remove that portion of the collar that extends below the hook shank.


A collar trimming tip I was given decades ago is to push the funnel end of a hair stacker back over the body and well onto the collar and then trim the collar flush with the 'lip' of the funnel. This make a very neatly trimmed collar.


Also, diving can be enhanced by generously coating the collar with head cement.


You are doing outstanding deer hair work; as well as with other materials.




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