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Bryon Anderson

Nets coming along

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7 hours ago, vicrider said:

... thanks to primarily young people at bars, beaches, nightclubs, and various other unmasked outlets of their energetic virus spraying ...

OR ... it's just the result of the massive increase in testing numbers. 

The true results, and how many of the "newly" tested cases actually attended any of those venues has not been reported.  The fact is, now that they are testing more people, asymptomatic people and lower age groups, more of those people are being identified in the results.  There have likely ALWAYS been vast numbers in those groups, they just weren't being identified.

Sorry, I don't want to cause an argument, but it seems to me, the truths are only being released as and when it fits certain narratives.

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We know the uptick in Philadelphia wasn't because of the protests because that's what they told us. Probably due to the record level of tourism coming into the city during the protests. Yeah, tourism, vacations and the great nightlife that came in at the exact same time as the protests.

stay home, wear a mask in your home, don't talk to anyone. Just stay home glued to the television where the facts will be given to you when deemed appropriate to the goals of the nation. 

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14 hours ago, vicente said:

Glen can probably do it for you, or k&g stabilizing does really good work.

These are incredibly cool materials.  Had no idea such an industry existed and the craftsmanship is just great to see... Thanks for posting

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37 minutes ago, Flat Rock native said:

These are incredibly cool materials.  Had no idea such an industry existed and the craftsmanship is just great to see... Thanks for posting.

I had no idea about them, either, until I started building nets and had a desire for figured woods. I knew what burls were, but I thought you just cut them up and worked them like any other wood. Turns out they have to be stabilized with resins, and those resins can be tinted, how cool! All kinds of amazing things in the world. 😊

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47 minutes ago, Flat Rock native said:

These are incredibly cool materials.  Had no idea such an industry existed and the craftsmanship is just great to see... Thanks for posting

Yep lots of really cool materials out there and each maker kind of has their own unique style and way of doing things.  I use a lot of hybrids I purchase all my handle materials stabilized and cast so my knives are all colabs with whoever made the material, I kind of like it that way it let's me have my own more or less unique style but with more variety in the details of the handle material

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I've got some of the equipment to do stabilizing and coloring.  One of the many projects I'll be working on once my workshop gets built.

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Mikechell nice! I considered getting the equipment and resin to learn to do it myself, but i can't start anything new until I get some more shop space. My basement is maxed out 😄

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Got a few coming along nicely now. I'm lucky to have a friend who does great pyrography; his designs really add something special. I 🙂








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Nice pyrography

(Yes I had to look that up, but honestly, nice pyrography.)

Nice all around.

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24 minutes ago, chugbug27 said:

Nice pyrography

(Yes I had to look that up, but honestly, nice pyrography.)

Nice all around.

LOL yeah, I should just say wood burning; pyrography is kind of a weird word, but I kind of like it. 🙂

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If I made nets, I would call it wood-burning.  With the quality of net you're making, pyrography is the right word.  Very nice work, Bryon.  

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Thanks for the kind words guys. I plan to post some for sale here soon (with Fishing Buddy Discount applied. 🙂). I'm going to be selling through a website and Etsy store very soon as well. I'll  throw up a post here when that happens. 

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Bryon, I enjoy seeing your progress with the net making. Thanks for the updates. Also really like the pyro......... wood burning. I often thought about buying a good wood burning set just to keep the hands busy. Great work. 

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