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Fly Tying


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About danthebugman

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 10/09/1983

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    Joplin, MO

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  1. Started a new trout box the beginning of October. Here's where I'm at so far. I've got some dries to tie still and I've added a few bigger streamers to another box, but I'm pretty well ready to kick off the trout season.
  2. Few for the bass box during lunch today...
  3. Turned out some hoppers and beetles this past week...
  4. My only complaint is that they're generally out of stock when I need a particular size. I've taken to checking periodically and ordering a stash when they have them. They don't have jig hooks, but I found a suitably cheap supplier on eBay.
  5. We had quite the plauge here recently so I wrangled up a handful of GFA Hoppers for you guys. Should hit the post office soon.
  6. Spent the last week as a counselor for my church's youth group kayak camp. Put about 40 miles in on the river this week, but drifted through some prime smallmouth waters which resulted in some deep bends in the 4 wt, some big smiles on my face, and astonished looks on kids' faces.
  7. I should be finishing packing and taking care of my "honey do" list before leaving tomorrow for church camp...but instead I'm adding some last minute flies to the box 🤷.
  8. Been reasonably happy with what's been coming off the vise lately...
  9. School canceled for snow 😒. Might as well tie some flies today 😏. Stocked some nymph patterns I was missing from the box and also got a few more flies added to the box for Florida this summer.
  10. Been working on some mini articulated streamers recently.
  11. Whipped up a few things this morning before hitting the water.
  12. My package landed earlier this week. Finally got caught up on grading and got a chance to open it up. Some good looking flies in there. Can't wait to tie them on.
  13. My wife is out of town so the kitchen table has become a fly tying table for the next several days. Sex Dungeons and Hippie Stompers have been the result so far.
  14. It was a snowy day her in SW Missouri so I spent the afternoon replenishing some fly boxes and thinking of warmer days.
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