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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by ggmiller

  1. ggmiller

    Tejas Tiers

    I live up in Wichita Falls, new to the area, so I'm not familiar with fishing spots, yet. I joined a local fly fishing club, working on getting a web site up for them now. Where are you located at? Have fun, George
  2. ggmiller

    Best place to live?

    If you are looking at Montana, try the Helena area, as the capital of the state you could get on at one of the state agencies. Pay is not like some areas, but they do offer great benies. PM me if you are interested and I can look up some of my old links. I just moved to TX from MT and can't wait until I can get back there in a few years.
  3. nice flys, thanks for posting, have fun, George
  4. I do what longears suggested with my NorVise: got some of that 'rubberized' material they use for lining drawers with it's non slippery and has lots of 'holes' in it and put it under the base for your NorVise and it will not move at all. You could also drill some holes in your desktop and put the NorVise and bobbin holder in permanently - that way you wouldn't lose your drawer space under it. The NorVise works great, sometimes you just gotta think outside the box. Good luck and let us know what you do to fix the problems. have fun, George
  5. ggmiller

    FTF Shirts

    Will, got my shirt yesterday, great job!! Please let us know when we can order some hats. Thanks, George
  6. Jon: Welcome to this board! It's a really great place and you can learn a lot from all the material here. If you follow this link: Texas Fly Fishing It takes you to the clubs page and there is a listing for the Waco club with contact information. I found out about our Wichita Falls club through it. Good luck on your new adventure and don't be afraid to ask questions! Have fun, George
  7. Yes, the tyvek is good stuff to have around. Nice looking nymphs. thanks for sharing, George
  8. I'd vote for Tony Spezio. Would be nice interview, he has lots of patterns out there.
  9. Nice Tie!! I second the request for the pattern, please. thanks, George
  10. Will: I just sent the money via PayPal. XL Iris user name: ggmiller Thank you!!!!!
  11. Wow! Talk about an inspiration! Looking good! Have fun, George
  12. Will: I think you did a great job on Hatches, especially for a first issue! I would agree with some of the text being hard to read on colored backgrounds and I did spot a few typos. I really loved the photography and the fact that you could read each article to the end without having to flip to the back of the magazine for the ending. not sure why magazines do that, it drives me nuts! I appreciated the wide range of articles, there was something for everyone. One of my few suggestions would be to put it out at least twice a year??!!?? I'm already looking forward to the next issue. Keep up the great job! thanks, George
  13. nice tie, thanks for sharing. I'll be doing some of them up for my brother.
  14. Been bored today, so I made up some dubbing brushes: :dunno: Made with Congo Hair, extra fine rubber legs and some flash. Here is a pike fly I make using dubbing brushes: Have fun, George
  15. ggmiller, Was your surgery the open wrist type or arthoscopically (sp?)? I had first decided on the open wrist but later decided to have it done arthoscopically as I'm told the recovery period is much faster-like 24 to 48 hours. Just curious as to what type you had and how it turned out. It was arthoscopically done - small incisions in the "lines" of your palm, had to wear splints for 2 week heal time, but other than that it was a fairly quick surgery recovery.
  16. Don't wait too long to see the Dr., if more damage is done it cannot be undone. The surgery will fix the problem, but it cannot reverse any damage that is done. I've had the surgery in both hands now and it is a great relief to finally have the numbness and pain go away but you do not regain what strength, etc. that was lost. Take care and see the DR. asap.
  17. Here is a pic of the bench I made:
  18. Man, I just watched one of his videos on using that material and cannot wait until I can place an order for some. If this will be your first time using a Nor-Vise, take your time as it can take a bit to get used to it, but once you get used to it you will really like it as well as the bobin. Have fun, George
  19. "Problem now is I have doubles and triples of a lot of material because I wasn't keeping things in order." Not a problem having a good selection of backup materials on hand!
  20. Will, I'll take one XL in iris thanks, George
  21. nice flies! Looks like you haven't lost your touch.
  22. Will: Nice start for the pattern guide book. One question - Will each pattern be on it's own page? That would be nice so you could print out each pattern, as needed. thanks, George
  23. I received my Nor Vise a couple of months ago. I'll admit - it took me a while to get used to setting up the automatic bobbin, but once it's done it is great! I used to have a problem with dubbing, too much, not enough, not shaggy enough, etc. Since my Nor Vise I no longer have this prolem. It does such a great job of dubbing - without any 'tools' that I really enjoy tying again. For me the Nor Vise is worth it just for this reason. Now, I just need to learn more rotary techniques. At the shop I got it from, the owner grew up using a Nor Vise so he is showing me some tips to use. I plan on getting Al's video soon. Just my .02 cents worth. Have fun, George
  24. Received the box in yesterday's mail and will mail it out to OSD in today's mail (Wed. May 25). Thanks, guys! Have fun, George ggmiller
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