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Fly Tying

Peaty Mann

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About Peaty Mann

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    Haggis, breakfast of champions

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  1. Thank you Everyone, I'm glad you all enjoy the videos and thank you for the kind words as it means a huge amount to me.. My inspiration comes from you all as the questions and requests for a pattern keeps me on my toes as I'm always thinking how I could answer them and with what pattern would do this best.. All the very best Davie..
  2. Hi Everyone, It's been a while since I said hello on the forum and for some reason this thread popped up so that is me tying flies in the photo and I think it was around 7 years ago in Calgary, Canada. The gentleman on the left is Geoff Pieroway of http://www.pierowayrods.com a lovely man and makes a wonderful rod which I still use today for dry fly and wet fly fishing on my local waters.I hope you are all well and stay safe.. All the very best Davie McPhail...
  3. Hi Everyone, I thank you all for the kind words, I'm sorry to say that I don't have a book or a good Dvd for sale but to be honest with you even though the videos I have on youtube are a bit rough you will get more info from them rather than buying the Dvd I have here in the U.K. I rarely get a chance now to tye Classic salmon flies just don't have the materials but there's plenty of other flies out there that you can have fun tying.. I hope you don't mind me dropping in as I don't want you wastiing your money... All the best Davie
  4. Hi everyone, Many thanks for for the great flies which will hopefully be catching many fish when the weather starts to warm up, well done everyone.. Hi Dave, just to say thankyou very much for organising this great swap it was fun alright...... All the best Davie
  5. Hi Everyone, I have filmed myself tying a basic dressing of a Spey fly, I hope you may find it of some interest it's for fishing with and not for display. Here is the link to my YouTube channel, it's in two parts due to the 10min limit on videos. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=4HgHablhQVQ Part One http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=U7ZAv5MFuP0 Part Two All the best Davie
  6. Hi djmyers The Pheasant tail nymph is easily one of the best flies you can have in your box not that you need me to tell you but I filmed myself tying it my way which is very simple , here is the link for you to have a look. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=mmr__Ge7OVU All the best Davie
  7. Hi everyone, I'm glad you liked the dvd, my buzzers are ready, Dave could you send me your address please. All the best Davie
  8. Hi Fred, Nice looking fly.. Well done.... All the best Davie
  9. Thanks again, Hi Ray, you're not a pest I've posted the step by step as you asked.. Happy New Year everyone... All the best Davie
  10. Hi Everyone, I have been tying quite a few saltwater flies recently and a couple of members asked me to take step by step photos of tying them, so here is the link to them on my YouTube page for you to have a look.. All the best Davie.. Here's the Link; http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=GqkDA37C_yk
  11. Hi Everyone, I filmed myself tying the fly I'm going to be sending which I uploaded onto my youtube page, Turkey Biot Buzzer a very effective dressing which I put together for friends that fish here in the lochs and lakes of the U.K and Ireland. This colour combination was one of the best. Davie. Here's the link; http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=mfSx0tbc3B4
  12. Hi Everyone, Thanks for the kind words. Dave, The flies are tyed on 1/0 and 2/0 like you said. Hi, Ray and Nuno I had some free time today so I took some photos and put them together and made a slide show on how to tye one of the flies on YouTube. Here is the link. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=GqkDA37C_yk All the best and have a Happy New Year Davie.
  13. Hi Everyone, I'm glad you liked them. Hi John, Lovely fish, they look a good size as well. The materials used on the flies are white and olive green bucktail, black goat, DNA frosty fibre and a grizzle hackle dyed with Flo- lime and sunburst dyes then pearl flash worked into the wings. The tail is white bucktail and pearl mylar tubing which has been unravelled from the body. All the best Davie
  14. Hi Everyone, I had 72 flies to tye for some friends who fish and live on the west coast of Ireland in Galway for Bass, so here is some of them for you to have a look, please let me know what you think? All the best Davie
  15. Hi Dave, Put me down please...just let me know how many flies and how much to send for postage. All the best Davie
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