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About Bazzer69

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/05/1945

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  1. whatever happened to page 2 ? I would like to get in touch with Charles EvNS OF CAE, has anyone have any contact info? Thanks Barry
  2. Just so you know, this is a old thread, I’ve tried to contact CAE via email and even telephone but I’m SOL so I can only assume he is no longer in business which is a pity because he had many great looking items. if anyone knows anything please let me know. My vise has had plenty of use but still looks brand new. I don’t see anything that’s not going to last a long time. Cheers Barry
  3. This is a wonderful article on tying old dressings with modern materials. This is one I’m going to save and print. thank you Barry
  4. Beautiful fly the Apple Green, very well tied Baz
  5. I’ve caught many a fish on the pattern in the UK
  6. Any pictures and a review? Why didn’t you keep it? What happened to it? I’m interested if you still have it. Barry
  7. There are many great vises out there, remember last century many great flies were tied without a vise or synthetic materials for that matter. I have a eBay el-cheapo that I take on trips with me, one of the $50 Regal Chinese copies and I don’t see that breaking anytime soon. My beef with HRH is I contacted them about my complaints hoping they would put them right, all they said is return it and get your money back, not what I wanted to hear. In all probability they already knew of the problems and maybe fixed them, I don’t know since I’ve never seen a TRV since then. Oh my, I wish I never started this thread, it was supposed to be about the Talon!
  8. I can only comment on the TRV and the CAE since I owned neither of the others you mentioned. The TRV I was sent had jaws made out of chewing gum and the base was so small I had to put one hand on it to stop it tipping over because it was light, also the screw to tighten the jaws was difficult to tighten because it’s was so small. My CAE it sterling but I just like the look of it and the roller bearings Nuf said?
  9. Actually over many years of guiding and fly tying the only vise that I ever broke was a Renzetti 3000, one of the jaws snapped, true it was replaced free of charge but that took a while. in my view the HMH TRV that I purchased was just not up to snuff, I quickly returned it for a refund. I’m very happy with my CAE look alike but being a vise freak I fancy giving the FNF Talon a try. The Law style of vise is pretty robust without any small parts that might be fragile, so if you want any of the Law copies you pay you money and takes your choice. The only one I wouldn’t buy is a genuine Law, not at four grand for sure
  10. Really this style of vise is pretty bomb proof and should last a lifetime Of normal use. How do you know that any of the vise manufacturing company’s will be around in say a year? Lawrence Waldron is still around and I’m sure could provide a spare part if needed.
  11. I’m going to sell my CAE look alike and buy one of these when they come available. Yes I’m just a vise freak!
  12. Flytire actually you can’t buy one at the moment, they’re out of stock! Check out the pictures in this post, if anything it looks better than a LAW https://www.salmonfishingforum.com/forums/threads/christmas-present-arrives-fnf-talon-vice.232831/
  13. I swear that the title said “look- alike vise” I guess spell auto correct strikes again. I actually have one of those look alike’s, a vise made by CAE in the uk but when I tried to find the website today I couldn’t find it, does anyone know if it’s gone belly up? Cheers Barry
  14. Yeh, I found that comical as well😁
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