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Fly Tying

JC Hoppaire

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About JC Hoppaire

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  1. Contact Justin @ http://ritebobbin.com/content/contact You won't find a nicer guy. He will make it rite.
  2. Norm, you've already learned quite well. Now your chasing perfection.
  3. FTD Independence Day Sale. 40% off these selected items: Congo Hair Congo Baitfish Blends Congo Hair Blends Hi-Float Fibers Northern Flash Fisch Eyes UV-X ET Dubbing Czech Dubbing 40% off will be taken at checkout automatically 'IndependenceDay' sale. Sale starts July 1 at 7:00 pm MDT and ends at 4:00 pm July 5 MDT.
  4. Sign up for his newsletter to be notified of new products and some great sales.
  5. You might find this discussion helpful: http://www.danblanton.com/viewmessage.php?id=214587
  6. JC Hoppaire


    Some might appreciate this information from Johns Hopkins: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
  7. Capt. Bob; what size perfect popper are you putting on a #1 Mustad #34007? Thanks
  8. I've not read it, but several people have recommended this book: https://www.orvis.com/p/orvis-guide-to-fly-fishing-for-carp/2y95 These sites might be of interest: https://www.flyfisherman.com/editorial/the-15-best-carp-flies/152079 http://www.flycarpin.com/p/flies-for-carp.html
  9. Fly Tyer's Dungeon 36 Hour Surprise Sale!!! 40% off Everything for 36 hours Friday Oct. 4th 9:00 am Mountain Time and ending Saturday Oct. 5th at 9:00 PM MDT. http://www.flytyersdungeon.com/index.htm
  10. Move your background back as far as you can. Black Duvetyne absorbs light. Available from theatrical supply companies and photo specialties shops. Black velour from a fabric store will also work. Black felt isn't as black as either of the above. https://www.chicagocanvas.com/product/duvetyn-12-oz/
  11. Mike is right; a brush made of thread will unravel. Colored beading wire is available at Craft Sores. Haven't tried it yet but it looks good. https://www.michaels.com/bead-landing-12-piece-multi-pack-beading-wire/10443545.html This wire works fine: https://www.jsflyfishing.com/wapsi-ultra-wire-x-small-size Or this: https://www.caddisflyshop.com/uni-dubbing-brush-wire.html
  12. Silver, I always go away a little smarter after reading your posts.
  13. From Fly Tyer's Dungeon: 35% off Sale MAD2019 will end the morning of June 23...Sunday!
  14. Caloosa, Nice streamers. What is the pale orange fiber close to the eye in the first picture?
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